I have many times thought about getting a blog site that I can access at work. The company* has very sensitive internet usage policies.
What prompted me to create a blog and update today was the fact that I firmly and with great resolve do so hate my job. My boss seems to be lacking the intelligence to efficiently cover the work days surrounding Christmas. I don't want to sit and complain, so I'm just going to leave at this: I need to find a new job that is not in sales and has employees with enough wit and common sense to get through their own work.
I will not let the company ruin my holiday season. Right after work today I am rushing home to gather up all the presents for Ryan's family, have dinner with them and open presents. Ryan and I had our Christmas last night. Actually we've sort of been doing a Hanukah/Christmas combination, opening a present every couple of nights. He got me some very sweet and thoughtful things. My favorite gift from him ever is my new silver locket. When he gave it to me, my heart melted and my eyes welled up in tears.
*the company is the hell-hole for which I am employed.