Ryan and I took advantage of a common evening off by going to see the new Pixar movie "Up". It's about this old man who decides to use a million or so ballons to fly his house to South America. Only...the previews don't really mention that it's a rather depressing path that leads him to the whole house-flying decision. It is an animated film by a company who has a history of making excellent children's films, but Up isn't exactly along the same happy-go-lucky theme as, say, Monsters Inc, Finding Nemo, Cars, etc.
I'm not going to say it was a bad movie and I won't give anything away, but I will say that it wasn't the happy fun date movie we had hoped for.
IN OTHER FANTASTIC NEWS! I splurged. I bought an iphone! I am in awe of all the wonderful things it can do and I've only discovered half of it. I had been planning on buying an itouch for several months now. I mentioned as much to my brother who promptly convinced me that an itouch was simply a iphone without the phone capabilities, and if I was planning on buying both a new phone and a new ipod by the end of the year I might as well get the iphone (I apologize for the run-on sentence). I thoought to myself, "I can never justify in my mind paying for a wildly expensive phone, breaking my current phone contract and paying ridiculous amounts for a data plan." Again, my brother directed me down the right path. Apparently, all I needed was to buy an iphone through craigslist on the cheap. Another problem arose at this point, living in a relatively small tourist town means that there are slim pickens on Craigslist. Jacksonville, however, has options galore. After a few calls, a quick trip to meet a guy with a phone and a fedex delivery (delayed by a holiday weekend), I am a proud owner of an iphone for a lower-than-market-average price!
And now I'm going to play with the fanciest gadget I have ever owned.