While I should be doing homework, I am updating the blog in hopes of building some momentum to write my paper that is due by midnight tonight.
There is so much homework due this week and I cannot seem to bring myself to complete it! This semester has been quite a struggle. I had to complete 80 hours of observation in addition to working at least 10 sub days (around my classes and other job). I am embarassed to say that I have yet to finish 25 hours - all that must be logged by the end of next week.
Due this week:
1. Strand Assignment - Oultine all of the Next Generation/Sunshine State Standards from Kindergarten - 8th grade on one strand of Mathematics. Then find 3 hands-on activities for each grade level. My strand is about Geometry. I had completed about 1/3 of this gargantuan assignment, took a break and came back to find that all of my work had been lost! I considered dropping out of school at this point.
2. Position paper on my personal Philosophy of Discipline - Choose and support my choice for which discipline plan works best for my future classroom. Align my discipline model with one of the researchers we have discussed this semester and detail some of the strategies I plan to use. I am actually interested in writing this semester. The class has been my favorite by far because the information I learn is applied directly when I substitute. Some of the theories actually work, can you believe it?!
3. Complete 2 more Math problem sets - Design at least 3 "good problems for students" and provide evidence of their work. Complete 3 activities on the National Library of Virtual Manipulatives, provide evidence. (This one is easy, but tedious).
4. Comprehensive Unit - Write a 10 day unit for a grade level of your choice on the topic of your choice. I chose 2nd grade subtraction to include basic subtraction, subtraction with regrouping, and multi-digit subtraction. The unit must have sunshine state standards listed and complete lesson plans.
5. Paper on Accomplished Practices - Following my almost finished 80 hours of observation I must write a discussion on 8 of the 12 Accomplished Practices of Educators. Using the Key indicators I have to discuss how the accomplished practices helped to shape the outcome of successful learning in a 4th and 2nd grade classroom.
These 5 things don't seem like such big monsters when I list them. However, this past weekend I had such a good time relaxing in Tampa with friends that it was hard to get back into the swing of my academic life. On top of that, the father of one of the teachers I have been observing passed away. She asked me to sub for her as many days as I could this week so that she could take care of everything and to help her get through this sad time. Between her classroom and the other school I sub at, I have subbed every day this week and will be subbing tomorrow. This included a half day immediately following my morning class on Wednesday. I am just happy that I only had to work 1 night this week at the other job. Early mornings have been rough this week and that does not make it easier for my brain to pump out accomplished practices or geometric activities or classroom management strategies!
Enough procrastinating...if you can't find me, just dig underneath the pile of books near my computer - I'm under there somewhere!