Often times throughout the day in conversation with one person or another, something is said which triggers my mind to make it a blog entry title. For example, I just got off the phone with my beloved Ryan. I was telling him how utterly bored I am and how much I hate my boss. I've taken to searching blogger and looking at different people's blogs and their friends' blog and their friend's friends blogs and so on. Other times when I am bored, I search through Wikihow and go from one link to the next. I've searched for things like "how to excercise while sitting at your computer" or how to make an excel spreadsheet" and who knows what else. As I was telling him this, I realized I found all of these wonderful things through the magic of google. Anytime someone says something I don't know about or don't understand, I go straight to google. Anytime I can't find something in town or just feel like reading up on a topic, I go for google. It could really be my best friend. Google keeps me from being bored at work, it always give me answers and makes me think and it is always there. I heart google.
I am so bored and also rather hungry, but it is only 1:00. If I go to lunch now then I will still have to be at work for 3.5 hours, and that's just painful. I don't think I'll make it until 2 though. I will be employed at this hellhole for just long enough to have to go through another damn Finap Frenzy, our days where we have to call as many people as we can and ask about their financial needs. My boss has a screw loose in her head if she thinks I am actually going to call anyone. Those are the days when anytime the phone rings, I pick up immediately and fake a chart on the caller. I put them on my little list of "outgoing" calls and call it a day. I hate soliciting people and interupting their lives. No one wants their bank to call them and ask about their money situation. I will not do it, not now - not ever!
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