Monday, July 23, 2007

Cirque du Hooray!

Ryan's birthday surprise weekend went beautifully. We stayed at a gorgeous (and massive) hotel. I booked the special gourmet breakfast, not realizing that since it was a Disney hotel, there would be characters wandering around saying hi to all the guests. I spent my breakfast trying to dodge the creepy petting of Minnie, Goofy, and Pluto. I was rather unsuccessful.

Circque du soleil was absolutely breath-taking. Ryan and I got all dressed up for the show. I decided this trip that I wasn't going to overpack. So I packed exactly as many shirts, socks, etc that we would need for the weekend. Well, that was the worst idea ever. On the way in to Orlando, it was pouring rain, so when we got to the hotel, we only brought out of the car what was necessary. We left our dress shoes and our snacks in the car, thinking we'd just grab the shoes on our way out to the show. It was still raining right before we left, so Ryan rolled up his pants and ran to the car to get the shoes. He accidently rubbed up against something and got his light khaki dress pants (his only dress pants that got packed, mind you) dirty across the front. We had to trek back to the hotel room where I hand washed the spots and then blow-dry-ed/iron-dry-ed the pants. And then, at long last, with blisters and wet clothes we arrived at the big tent.
I was so tense during some parts that I was holding my breath, silently willing the performers to land their jump, catch the bar, stay on the high wire, etc. Of course, they are very capable and everyone landed safely. All of their flips and throws and jumps seemed so unbelievable and impossible. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, live and in person, I'm not sure I would believe all the stunts.
All in all, the weekend was a blast. It's a little disappointing to be back in the daily grind. Looking forward to cruise week!

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