(his post may be all over the place because I had a three day weekend and that is all there is to it.)
Thank you Veterans Day for giving me yet another 3 day weekend (2 weekends in a row! whoo!). I think I prefer having a Monday off instead of a Friday on an extended weekend. For some reason facing a short week on a Tuesday feels better than trudging my way to Thursday.
Ryan and I spent what parts of the weekend we could watching Grey's Anatomy. We finished Season 2 and Season 3 should be in the mail today. I really like that show. It's pretty much the opposite of ER. ER has patient stories with little side stories on the main characters/docs. GA has character stories with little side stories on the patients. That being said, I enjoy them both.
I had to feed my sister's poor cat this weekend. Howie always goes straight for my ankles, then sprawls out in front of me as soon as my feet stop moving. His purring is highly audible b/c he's so happy for the attention and physical touch. I can't blame him, I am a fiend for physical touch. I love when Ryan rubs my back or plays with my hair. My sister has been away from her apartment since last Wednesday. The poor, lonely cat has resorted to crapping on the floor, probably for 2 reasons. One: he has no more space in his litter box to do his business there (I'll feed him, but the litter box is just too much to ask). And two: he is crying out for attention in any way he can! I was never a fan of my sister getting a cat (let alone 2!). She claimed she was lonely in her apartment. She was barely mature/responsible enough to move out of my parents house when she left for college. She can hardly take care of herself much less take care of a cat. But you can never her tell her she is doing something wrong. She digs in her heels and insists that you are unfairly and cruelly criticizing her. I hate feeding her cat because I feel like I pet sit for too many people (okay all of 2) all too often. If you have a pet, freakin take care of it. Geez. At least once a month, I am running across town to feed someone else's pets! I complain about it, but I do it because pets need love, too. That's the other reason I hate feeding her cat; Howie needs more love and more attention than she's giving. That's all I'm sayin'. He has the essentials: food and water. But he is a very social cat and he needs more than just the bare necessities. I am sure she gives him all the love he can ask for when she's around, but she goes out of town every other weekend.
More fun stuff. Sunday I went to Busch Gardens with my friend Scott, his fiance and her sister. It was an interesting day. I had fun on the coasters and I had fun catching up with Scott. I felt like I was talking a ton. But when I wasn't chatting up Scott, there was dead silence. His fiance seems really nice and her sister, too. I am happy for Scott. He is such a good person and he deserves all the happiness he can find. I was quite proud of myself for agreeing to go. I am not very good with social situations, especially when I don't know everyone there. Normally, I would have just avoided the phone calls altogether, but for some reason I was brave enough to venture out. I even went at a time that I could have been spending with Ryan.
On Saturday I went to Starbucks to lounge and read. I love going to get a cup of hot coffee and reading for a couple of hours. It's nice to people watch. I love to read and I love to drink coffee. It's always a nice little afternoon relaxation for me.
All in all I had a good weekend. There's a commercial playing now that gave me pause this weekend. I'm usually multi-tasking during commercials, so I haven't seen the commercial, but just hearing it has enough impact. The voice over guy basically says, "Instant gratification. We lean on it heavily these days. Don't like your car, get a new one. Don't like your house, get a new one. Don't like your job, quit and get a new one. Don't like your spouse, divorce and get a new one. Whatever happened to commitment? At (such and such place) we know commitment..." Or something like that. What ever did happen to commitment. I often wonder why I can't be happy in any of the jobs I've had/currently have. I want to commit to a place, but find myself unhappy after about 4-5 months. My resume shows jobs at least 4 jobs that I held for less than 1.5 years. Some of that is just the nature of a college experience, but some of it is just me being restless. The commercial gave me a renewed sense of semi-loyalty to my current job. I'll make it at least to the year mark. And if we move to Orlando, I will have worked here for about 1.5 years. To be honest, I barely make it here every day; I'm not exactly looking forward to making it to July.
This post is long. I leave you with this: Julie sent me an email today. Someone had apparently found an old catalog from JCPenney. It was from 1977 and was full of hilarious pictures, showing the style of that era.
Thank you Veterans Day for giving me yet another 3 day weekend (2 weekends in a row! whoo!). I think I prefer having a Monday off instead of a Friday on an extended weekend. For some reason facing a short week on a Tuesday feels better than trudging my way to Thursday.
Ryan and I spent what parts of the weekend we could watching Grey's Anatomy. We finished Season 2 and Season 3 should be in the mail today. I really like that show. It's pretty much the opposite of ER. ER has patient stories with little side stories on the main characters/docs. GA has character stories with little side stories on the patients. That being said, I enjoy them both.
I had to feed my sister's poor cat this weekend. Howie always goes straight for my ankles, then sprawls out in front of me as soon as my feet stop moving. His purring is highly audible b/c he's so happy for the attention and physical touch. I can't blame him, I am a fiend for physical touch. I love when Ryan rubs my back or plays with my hair. My sister has been away from her apartment since last Wednesday. The poor, lonely cat has resorted to crapping on the floor, probably for 2 reasons. One: he has no more space in his litter box to do his business there (I'll feed him, but the litter box is just too much to ask). And two: he is crying out for attention in any way he can! I was never a fan of my sister getting a cat (let alone 2!). She claimed she was lonely in her apartment. She was barely mature/responsible enough to move out of my parents house when she left for college. She can hardly take care of herself much less take care of a cat. But you can never her tell her she is doing something wrong. She digs in her heels and insists that you are unfairly and cruelly criticizing her. I hate feeding her cat because I feel like I pet sit for too many people (okay all of 2) all too often. If you have a pet, freakin take care of it. Geez. At least once a month, I am running across town to feed someone else's pets! I complain about it, but I do it because pets need love, too. That's the other reason I hate feeding her cat; Howie needs more love and more attention than she's giving. That's all I'm sayin'. He has the essentials: food and water. But he is a very social cat and he needs more than just the bare necessities. I am sure she gives him all the love he can ask for when she's around, but she goes out of town every other weekend.
More fun stuff. Sunday I went to Busch Gardens with my friend Scott, his fiance and her sister. It was an interesting day. I had fun on the coasters and I had fun catching up with Scott. I felt like I was talking a ton. But when I wasn't chatting up Scott, there was dead silence. His fiance seems really nice and her sister, too. I am happy for Scott. He is such a good person and he deserves all the happiness he can find. I was quite proud of myself for agreeing to go. I am not very good with social situations, especially when I don't know everyone there. Normally, I would have just avoided the phone calls altogether, but for some reason I was brave enough to venture out. I even went at a time that I could have been spending with Ryan.
On Saturday I went to Starbucks to lounge and read. I love going to get a cup of hot coffee and reading for a couple of hours. It's nice to people watch. I love to read and I love to drink coffee. It's always a nice little afternoon relaxation for me.
All in all I had a good weekend. There's a commercial playing now that gave me pause this weekend. I'm usually multi-tasking during commercials, so I haven't seen the commercial, but just hearing it has enough impact. The voice over guy basically says, "Instant gratification. We lean on it heavily these days. Don't like your car, get a new one. Don't like your house, get a new one. Don't like your job, quit and get a new one. Don't like your spouse, divorce and get a new one. Whatever happened to commitment? At (such and such place) we know commitment..." Or something like that. What ever did happen to commitment. I often wonder why I can't be happy in any of the jobs I've had/currently have. I want to commit to a place, but find myself unhappy after about 4-5 months. My resume shows jobs at least 4 jobs that I held for less than 1.5 years. Some of that is just the nature of a college experience, but some of it is just me being restless. The commercial gave me a renewed sense of semi-loyalty to my current job. I'll make it at least to the year mark. And if we move to Orlando, I will have worked here for about 1.5 years. To be honest, I barely make it here every day; I'm not exactly looking forward to making it to July.
This post is long. I leave you with this: Julie sent me an email today. Someone had apparently found an old catalog from JCPenney. It was from 1977 and was full of hilarious pictures, showing the style of that era.

And finally: Julie's thought for the day: The bigger the hair, the closer to God.
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