Sunday, June 28, 2009

Date Day

Lately, since my schedule and Ryan's job in general have been so stressful and exhausting, we have been hard-pressed for quality time together. By the time we have a day or even just an evening off together we are too exhausted to do anything but sit around the house.

Last week, I worked the closing shift 7 nights in a row in electronics, followed by a day shift as a cashier. The consecutive nights were those leading up to and during Father's Day. Everyone and their child wanted to buy some sort of electronic gadget for their dad. I can't tell you how many GPS thingies (yes, I'm very technical) we sold or how many cameras. Every night the store was an absolute mess and we had to stay until midnight or later every night. The night before Father's day I didn't make it home until after 2am! Needless to say, there was not much energy in me to clean up around the apartment. I was washing and drying the laundry, but instead of folding and putting it away, I was piling the clothes neatly in a corner of the bedroom. Dishes were piling up as well. Fortunately, following my 8-day stretch I was lucky enough to have 2 days off in a row (Ryan had neither of the days off). In my 2 days off, I beat back the laundry pile and Ryan found time to get the dishes cleaned up.

Before the 8 day stretch, we had a common day off and took the opportunity to go out to eat and watch a movie (The Hangover, very funny). Today, we decided to have another date day in celebration of another day off together (twice in one month! shocking.). We enjoyed dinner at Carrabba's and then watched Transformers. It was a very good movie, though I do not recommend drinking lots of water at dinner and then lots of soda during the movie. Date days have been few and far between lately which makes them all the more special.

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