We have this running joke that if I go broke, he doesn't mind being my sugar daddy, he just won't fund my IRA. When he proposed, he said to me, "So, I was thinking that you know I am unwilling to fund your IRA, but I would be happy to fund our IRA." Then he pulled out a ring and asked me to marry him! Of course the answer was yes and we had a little romantic moment as we basked in our new engagement.
We went out to dinner to celebrate. My phone has 6% battery life left in it because I have been on the phone for so long!
I am so in love with Ryan. He is everything in my life that makes me happy. When things are sad or happy or exciting or boring, I only want to share it with him. This engagement isn't just the necessary next step, it is simply what he and I are meant to do. We love one another, we share interests and we support each other's separate interests and hobbies. Our relationship is important to us and therefore we work at it every day to be sure that we continue to love and support each other.
In order to take the pictures, I had to invade Ryan's craft space because it has the best lighting situation for up close pictures. Since my fiancé is ever-obliging, he simply worked around me girly foolishness.
Here is the ring up close. So pretty!
And as a toll for borrowing the workspace, this is Space Marine standing with my newly ringed finger. 
And here we are! Engaged! In love! 
September 25, 2010 is the day that we hope to celebrate our wedding. So mark your calendars, people. It's going to be a sensational Saturday.
I am very, very happy for you sweetie! The ring is absolutely beautiful! Can't wait to officially call you one of my daughters. Love you, Maudie
Yeah!!! We're so happy for you guys!
(Finally, Ryan! ;-)
All the best!!!
HOORAY! WE GET TO KEEP JEN! When I read the text message I screamed and Ise said what is it mom? I told him Uncle Rye was marrying Jen so they could have babies...no pressure, that is just why he thinks folks get married, lol! Congrats to you guys..I already marked it on my calendar! XOXO!
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