Friday, March 12, 2010

if I had time to blog...

I would:
1. Tell you all about my wonderful birthday which we celebrated almost a month ago!
2. Say thank you to all the people who sent me lovely cards
3. Talk about how difficult it is to pick a new app or ringtone for the iPhone with all the fantastic itunes/app store money I have been gifted with!
4. Talk about my new title and raise (woohoo!) at work
5. Regail you with details about all the wedding plans that are falling neatly into place
6. Post pictures
7. Talk about how the wedding is just barely over 6 months away!
8. Say how much I'm going to miss the cold, snuggle-inducing weather which has been replaced with rain and hot and humidity
9. Say "Happy Birthday Marcy" (it's not past midnight in my timezone, does that count?)
10. and, finally, I would talk about how I am back on track to get down to my fighting weight with Ryan's help!

Instead, I am exhausted from work and making a list of what I need to post about. As tired as I am right now, I am actually quite satisfied. Funny how a little raise can make the hours that much more worth it. It also helps that a lot of big details are set in place for the wedding. Goodnight!

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