Wednesday, May 23, 2007

eco-friendly chic

the rising price of gas has forced me forced my feet to walking. I have always wanted to live in a place where dominant forms of transportation are public or pedestrian. I felt like I was doing something to help the environment by walking everywhere in Australia. I never once lamented over not having a car while living abroad. Combined with green canvas-like grocery bags and lots of walking, I came back a changed woman.

However, upon my return to the states, I immediately got back into my car and cruised around town. I used plastic bags for my groceries and never looked back. Until now! well, until last July, when Ryan and I moved into our apartments, just across the street from the main strip of stores and restaurants. Half the time we walk, the other half, we drive the short distance. I don't feel too too bad driving b/c it's less than a mile to get to where we need to be, as opposed to a few miles each way. It hit me today though, that we really should be walking to those same stores A LOT more often. It's healthier, gas-friendly and money-saving. If we have to walk to the restaurant, we'll probably be too lazy at least half the time. And if we walk to get groceries, we'll buy less b/c we won't want to carry it all home, in theory.
I walked to publix today and filled my green bag with fresh fruit, deli-turkey and cereal. As I walked home, I felt rather proud of my eco-friendly conscience. If only I could apply that to other places in my life. I do intend to invest in a hybrid car at first opportunity and as soon as I can find a home where there is a recycling route, you can bet your bottom dollar I will have a paper bin and a plastic/metal recycling bin! Til then, I slowly bring the paper goods to work to recycle (admittedly not very regularly, but i'm working on it...) and die a little on the inside with every can I throw away.

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