Monday, May 7, 2007


On Friday, one of the doctors asked me if I had big plans for the weekend and I told him "no" because my weekend plans consisted of basically nothing. However, my weekend was nowhere near having nothing to do.
Friday afternoon, Ryan and I found out that his parents were coming in town. So, Friday afternoon, I came home from work, took a nice nap and then straightened up the apartment. His parents came in around 7:00ish and I left to bring Ryan dinner. The theater was so busy because of Spiderman 3 that I didn't find a parking space and he never had a moment to sit down to eat with me anyway. So, on my way home, I called Nina (who was already at my apartment to play Mario Party) and we made plans to go to Coldstone. Nina and I chatted with Ryan's mom for awhile and then treated ourselves to yummy ice cream. Afterward we played Mario Party until Ryan came home.

I was in serious need of snuggle, so I all but pushed Nina and Mike out the door and immediately ran to bed for some good ild fashioned super-snuggle. We played our new MMORPG follwoing the snuggle time.

The rest of the weekend was a blur of people and food. Laney and I laid by the pool for awhile, where we ran into the D & D guys, and met up with Mary, Charlie, Nana, the Cheese, and the boys. It was a BLAST. We had a lovely little dinner. Laney, Nana and I sat on the couches for about 4hours and talked until our eyes were closing. Ryan and I ended the evening with more L.O.T.R game-playing.

Sunday was even more fun and games. The day started like this:
10:00am - sleep in and have enthusiastic cuddling.
11:00am - the Great Hunt for food
11:30am - "Breakfast" at Zaxby's
11:30 - 1:00pm - The Great Hunt for the Passat registration: My dad called to ask where my car registration was. I called my sister to have her search my car and my mom's car (b/c I knew my dad did not search very well). My dad was completely convinced he gave it to me, I was certain he did not. Called my dad to say I definitely did not have it and if it ever was in my possesion, it was lost forever and I would arrange (and pay) for a new one. My dad called me a little while later to say that my mom found it and that she was sorry. Got my mom on the phone, apologized for any crankiness she had to endure. The entire time, my dad was freaking out on my mom and sister, but was completely calm with me. I'm sure it was madness at the house as they tore everything apart trying to find the damn registration. Several hours later, I was going through my wallet and I found both copies of my insurance cards. My first thought was "oh shit". I called my dad to let him and had to fax them to him today before he blew a gasket.
1:00pm - 5:00pm - LOTR mmorpg
5:00pm - walk to PJ's
6:00pm Food, fun and madness

We sat around playing online for several hours. Took a walk to PJ's coffee and had an even bigger dinner. BTW, I did not enjoy PJ's Toffee Velvet Ice. It lacked in flavor completely. Ryan's Chai left a lot to be desired. We ( and by "we" I mean Charlie) used our grill for the first time ever for steaks and brat-yuckies. The best part is, I didn'thave to show off my less-than-fabulous cooking skills or my OCD cleaning habits. The most work I did was sweep the porch, supervise the cleaning of the grill and start a load of laundry.

The weekend was busy and fun. There is no left-over cleaning to do, my lunch today was leftovers from yesterday (yummy!) and everyone is happy. It's not so much fun to be back in the office. I'm quite exhausted b/c we ended up playing online much later than I planned. My wonderful plan to find a new game for Ryan and I to play together worked out marvelously. I love learning the new game and hanging out with him. We even have new game cube games, though we haven't indulged much time in them, mostly due to the fact that we have very little spare time after work, meals, family, LOTR mmorpg and sleep.

Looking forward to a nap this afternoon.

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