Monday, August 13, 2007

okie from muskogee

I'm not sure what that song is really about, but every place we've been from tennessee to south dakota has had a sign, a song or something related to it somewhere in the building. It seems to be the theme for the trip.

We have finally arrived in South Dakota. It's been too long since my last shower and too long since my last snuggle with my honey. It's been quite an adventure getting here. The biggest highlight of the trip so far was just after we bumped down a small hill and promptly hard a very harsh metal scraping sound. The car towing hitch had come loose and we were no longer pulling the car in a very safe way, right in front of a green traffic light and a line of cars behind us. My dad and I jumped out to do what we could. We had to line the ball and hitch up, but the chains were still hooked. So, under my sister's direction my dad pulled ever so slightly foward and the next thing I know, the car is moving forward and the RV is moving backward, VERY FAST. I murmurmed a very panicked f*ck and held my ground the best I could. Thankfully, I got the car to stop and my sister got my dad to stop moving, so I didn't get pinned. It wasn't terribly scary, but it very nearly was an emergency situation for me. All my mom could say was, "Jenn! Watch your language!" Thanks, mom.

So we've arrived and now I'm getting ready to go for a swim. peace out.

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