It is officially "that time of year". The weather is finally taking a turn for the cold. The unbearable heat and humidity are letting up and we can have the windows open. We turn our clocks back an hour next weekend. Thanksgiving is one month away, Christmas is 2. Hands down, Christmas is my absolute favorite holiday. It's a 360 holiday. When it comes to Christmas, I am in all-out mode. I decorate the apartment and the tree the best that I possibly can. This year I am particularly excited because last year I raided the sale racks and bought all of my favorite holiday classics. There are many benefits to this because my wrapping paper is different from this year's picks. No one really remembers what wrapping paper looked like last year. The best part of Christmas, aside from the obvious birthday, is the gifts. I actually hate trying to think of what I want from anyone because I am so excited about picking stuff out for my family and friends. I could care less about receiving gifts, but giving gifts is very special. I love love love! wrapping presents. I love bows, ribbons, tissue paper, everything. It takes me about 2 months to figure out the right gift for each person. Nina and I go shopping every black Thursday. We plan who we're buying for, where we're going and in what order we go. By the end of the day, we've knocked out about 75% of the gifts we have to buy at discounted prices. Then we also have stories to tell about how we got up at 5:00am, how we fought to get it and stood in line forever to buy just the right gift.
My second favorite thing is the the treeeeeee. Since Ryan and I live in an apartment, we can't really buy a real tree. It is too messy, it's a fire hazard and hard to dispose. For our 2nd and 3rd Christmas' together, Ryan and I had a 2 or 3 foot tall tree from his sister. We covered it in little mini ornaments and little mini lights. It was on top of a little end table with an enormous pile of presents stacked all around. We are blessed to have large families full of parents, sisters, brothers, nieces, nephews, aunts uncles, grandparents and friends. This means we get to put gift after gift under the tree and it is just lovely.
I am very excited about Christmas this year. The tough thing is celebrating between my family and Ryan's family. He and I play a sort of Hannukah style Christmas. I am a big fan of buying Ryan lots and lots of presents, though I am awful at keeping secrets and executing surprises. So to help me not go crazy, he lets us open presents throughout the week before Christmas. He endures lots and lots of pictures for me and I give him lots of presents. It's a good working relationship.
So. Here we are about a month before black Thursday and 2 months before Christmas. I am very excited. Christmas here we come!
And lastly, here's a shot of our mini tree from last year:

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