Thursday, January 31, 2008

tell it to the judge

This afternoon, I am going to stand in front of the judge and beg him/her to cut me some slack. I'm basically going to say that I have always taken pride in my clean record, I don't make a ton of money and I would really appreciate it if the judge could reduce the cost of my ticket and not assign points. I have the little paragraph written out. I'm not planning to "plead my case" word for word off the paper, but I will probably use it a crutch to get me through it.

I have never actually gone to court for anything, being the goody two-shoes that I am. I fully regret going the court route and wish that I had just paid the stupid thing. It will definitely be an interesting experience. This ordeal has been on my mind since the day I got the ticket. I'm sure my co-workers would love for me to just get it over with. Oy.

1 comment:

Just Jac said...

Do tell us how it goes~ Sometimes it works out better than you think and sometimes it just wastes a bunch of time and causes more aggravation! Hopefully, it works out for the best for you!