This laptop has a built-in webcam. I didn't even know that was an option. It was pretty reasonably priced, and since the wedding costs are pretty much taken care of, I don't feel too bad about buying one. My major reasoning for buying one now was that I need a reliable, fast-working portable means of studying. I get very distracted in the apartment, so I very rarely get more than 30 minutes of studying done at any one time. I envisioned myself studying in the library for hours at a time or sipping coffee at panera while typing up lesson plans and other projects that require some serious planning.
So far, I have used my new technology to take a picture of my new haircut. See?

I am actually sitting in Panera, sipping coffee. So I guess now would be an appropriate time to crack open the 10lb book about teaching little kids to read. Oh yeah, and study for the science extra credit quiz to make up for the one I bombed last week!
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