Saturday, November 14, 2009

Wedding Progress

Ryan and I have been engaged for about a month and a half now. Woot! Despite school and work obligations, we have managed to get some details worked out. It always helps me to have lists to see how far I've come and how far I have to go!

1. Centerpieces chosen - 1/2 the materials gathered (we're slowly gathering the pieces as we get the 50% coupons at Michael's - hooray for wedding on a budget!)
2. Wedding favors chosen - my mom's doing some serious baking the week of the wedding
3. Favor boxes ordered
4. Stationary purchased: Invitations, programs and thank you cards
5. Bridesmaids chosen
6. 1/2 the Groomsmen chosen
7. Colors picked (yellow for Ryan, pink for me)
8. Guest List finalized (I hope! We haven't added anyone in over a week, good sign)
9. Gift registries set up - and
--Please feel free to use these as gift ideas for Christmas and birthdays to come.... =)
--That was a fun day at Target. Ryan didn't let me use the gun at all! He said if he had to shop for this stuff, he got to be the gun holder. The second time we went, he let me use the gun because he's fair like that.
10. Wedding website in progress (stay tuned for links) - We just have to add some pictures and little bit of Ryan's flare to the website and it'll be up and running.

We're still workling out the wedding venue choices. We've seen some places that have pieces of what we want, but no one place has it all. There are a few more choices we're looking into, but I think I know which we'll choose if the last places come in over budget. We mostly just want a place where no one will feel cramped. We found place that has all the space we need at a good price, but all the decorations will have to be brought in ($$$). We found a place that has all the beauty for a bit over budget, but the room is sort of divided and some tables might feel separated from the party (no good).

And now it's time to do homework. Blah. The semester is over Dec 4 and that's right about the time Christmas shopping will be in full swing at work. No rest. But it's all worth it.

1 comment:

Nana said...

Good for you guys!