Reasons why I hate my job:
1. Promotions that make clients jump through flaming hoops to "get the deal"
2. Finap Frenzy Days
3. Clients who think I, personally, have wronged them for their own screw up or for policies which I actually have no say in creating
Our current promotion claims that our clients will get something Free! Free! Free!, when in reality they have to maintain certain fine print details in order to achieve the not-so-free-anymore product. What that means for me is that if I am still working at the hellhole, in a few weeks when people go to redeem their prize, the fine print will eliminate half the contestants! And that half of the contestants will certainly not sit on their butts and twiddle their thumbs, that half is most certainly going to come in and yell at me as representative of the hellhole and blame me for the wrong that I have done against them. Definitely quitting soon. Definitely.
In other, happier news, Ryan and I had dinner with his sister's family and his parents last night. Little Jack and the Finnster are so precious. Finn has taken quite a fancy for Ryan. He climbs into Ryan's lap, leans up against his stomach and insists that Ryan look at/read a book to him. Meanwhile, Jack runs around on an adrenaline rush because the Cheese! Nana! and his Uncle Ryan! are there to play with him. I can't get over the cuteness of those children.
After dinner, we went over to Erich's house to play Settlers of Catan. Usually, it's just a bunch of guys sitting around the table making manly jokes. Last night, however, was an unspoken bring your girlfriend to hang out with the guys night. Fish brought his girl, I came with Ryan, Cory brought his Erika and Erich's girlfriend Stacey came in later. Settlers of Catan is a "game of economics and strategy". For our group, it means we have to form alliances to simultaneously get what we need individually only to break those alliances to help someone beat our enemies. I threatened Ryan with sleeping on the couch, Justin was offering sexual favors to anyone who would trade him an Ore, Erich & Eddie were whispering sweet nothings ("I'll give you 2 wood so you can build those roads if you give me a grain for my settlement") and Cory & Erika had their heads together plotting to win. Fun was had by all involved.
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