Friday, January 26, 2007

sing it Danny!

Today's theme song is "Bad Day" by Mr. Daniel Powter! Sometimes all it takes is one little situation or one person to turn your day down the wrong road. I had a client attack my Customer Service skills because we asked to see her ID when she presented a check. I am a concumer just like she is and when I go into a good place of business I expect good customer service. Which is why I don't go to Wal-mart. However, I also understand that the people who are working are real people just like me. Everyone has a bad day every now and then and it isn't always easy to contain your foul mood to yourself. This lady came in while another customer was having the same issue with needing ID when presenting a check, so she barged in on the conversation and said that I should never argue with the customer, that I should apologize and that she was going to speak to management. Well, the jokes on her, she can tell managemnt whatever she wants, I put in my 2 weeks notice today. But that's beside the point.
I understand that maybe she was having a bad day and that I probably could have responded differently to her. I offer no excuses in the situation, but I also offer no apologies. I am a person and I have feelings and the customer is NOT always right.

People take such advantage of other people. For whatever reason, a general mindset has crept it's way into society that if one yells loud enough or "speaks to management" one can get anything one wants. I find that people who work in customer service tend to be the most forgiving of annoying or seemingly unfair policies. Chances are the person who is enforcing a policy has nothing to do with the creating of the damn policy, he or she is just the one stuck telling everyone else to follow it. I think that everyone should have a dose of helping an angry customer before unloading a shit ton of crap on someone else. I hate the idea that the customer is always right. And rudeness or shouting never got anyone any goodness.

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