Friday, October 30, 2009

who knew?

I feel like I just stepped into the new age of technology (about 5 years late). I have been thinking for awhile that I would like to have a new laptop. After about 2 months of thinking and thinking about it, I finally went out and bought one. I found a laptop for half the price of the last laptop I purchased 5 or 6 years ago.

This laptop has a built-in webcam. I didn't even know that was an option. It was pretty reasonably priced, and since the wedding costs are pretty much taken care of, I don't feel too bad about buying one. My major reasoning for buying one now was that I need a reliable, fast-working portable means of studying. I get very distracted in the apartment, so I very rarely get more than 30 minutes of studying done at any one time. I envisioned myself studying in the library for hours at a time or sipping coffee at panera while typing up lesson plans and other projects that require some serious planning.

So far, I have used my new technology to take a picture of my new haircut. See?

I am actually sitting in Panera, sipping coffee. So I guess now would be an appropriate time to crack open the 10lb book about teaching little kids to read. Oh yeah, and study for the science extra credit quiz to make up for the one I bombed last week!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Mid semester

This past week I had 2 midterms. One midterm went beautifully and the other felt like a scary disaster. Taking 3 classes in my undergrad felt like a breeze, midterms were never particularly hard and life was so much different. Taking 3 classes in Grad school is a bigger undertaking than I ever expected!

Following midterms, the bulk of my major assignments are due. We have a lesson plan to write, present to a group of students, record on video said presentation and write a report on the lesson plan experience as a whole. On top of that, we had to conduct an extensive reading assessment on an emergent reader and write a report on that interview. Aside from these assignments, we have to write weekly journals based on the readings (100+ pages sometimes) each week. The journals take about 5 hours to complete, no exageration. These are just for one class!

For my other classes, I have to write 3 more lesson plans and take 2 finals. The other classes are less intense, but still need attention.

There was a time when I was really feeling spread too thin. I was subsitute teaching and working at Target, pulling doubles across the 2 jobs. Studying for midterms and preparing for papers. Taking piano lessons. Trying to plan a wedding. Trying to spend time with my fiance. Trying to fall asleep at night after long, mentally and physically exhausting days and feeling unsure as to whether I would be able to keep my head above the water.

Things have calmed down quite a bit, mostly because I was about to break. I bought a planner and got organized, cut back on substitute teaching only on days when I don't also have to work at Target, my last piano lesson is on Tuesday (sad), and I'm taking the wedding planning in manageable chunks. A little organization goes a long way! Of course, I am always behind on the laundry and the apartment is in a constant state of disarry. We always have clean underwear and food to eat, so something must be going right!

Mid semester means I am running down the homstretch. I can't allow the homework and busy schedule become a mountain that I am afraid to climb. One week at a time, keeping a weather eye on what's coming up, but celebrating the little gains. I can do this without losing it.

Friday, October 16, 2009


Regimental Commander
Officer of the Fleet
And a Space Marine for Jenn*