Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Oh baby!

Subbing in kindergarten is like a box of chocolates - you never know what you're going to get. I've had experiences in Kindergarten that have made me want to leave the teaching profession altogether and never look back. But then there are days like today when I have the sweetest, cutest bunch of kids that leave me not only wanting my own classroom, but also wanting to have my own little babies!

For now, I will settle for a classroom of my own. The Lord may be answering my prayers after the holidays, though. I found out on Monday that a teacher at my school may be moving away. The first person she thought of to replace her in her classroom was ME! It is still on the down-low that she is leaving, so they are not interviewing or posting the job, but the assistant principal has been making arrangements to observe me in a classroom when I am subbing. Some of the other people on the hiring committee have made it known that they fully support me and my abilities as a teacher. I am so excited at the opportunity and the support! My mom and sister are already putting in their prayers for me and I am fervently praying myself!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

New look...

It was apparently time for a new look. I finally had a minute to explore the blog design options. The controls have changed quite a bit since the last time I changed the look, much easier to use.

So it seems wasting time has not been my strong point. While I have been watching Sex and the City, it is more of a background thing while I work on other things. When Ryan and I were first discussing how much I should work each job to make a reasonable amount of money without breaking my back, I figured at least 5 sub days a month (you never can tell when you'll be needed as a sub) and then 20-25 hours a week at Target. As soon as I spread the word that I was subbing, I got about 5 jobs in the first hour. Now, teachers search for me in the various classrooms and schedule sub-days here, there and everywhere! I am so blessed to get so many jobs that I don't have to worry about how many hours Target schedules me. My sub calendar for the month was full by December 7 and I am still getting random phone calls from other schools and teachers! I have reserved 1 day a week to spend time in my internship classroom because I loved those kids and my cooperating teacher so much.

Being in different classrooms everyday hasn't been easy. The morning starts off with establishing myself with 15-20 students as a credible teacher worth listening to for a minute or two. Then we spend the day trying to get through the lessons and deciding when the kids are telling me the truth about what Ms. or Mr. Normal Teacher "usually does". I am, however, really enjoying getting to learn how each teacher sets up his or her classroom. I have learned so many tiny little things that make the classroom run smoothly and keeps it organized. Also, I am getting tons of experience teaching the new (nearly impossible) math standards that everyone is having trouble with teaching. It is very difficult to pick up the math lesson for the day and try to teach it to the kids. Most of the time, I am clueless as to how much of the previous lessons that the students understood. I just have to pray that they understood enough to make it through the next lesson that I have to teach. I'm glad that I am getting to go to different grade levels because the more exposure to the new math, the better prepared I'll be when I have my own math lessons to teach!

As far as the apartment looks, you wouldn't be able to tell that I have had much time off. Technically, I haven't since I've been subbing during the day and working target some nights and every weekend. The dishes have been caught up and the laundry is less of a mountain and more of a normal looking pile. There is still work to be done, so off I go!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Wastin' Time Day 3

I never knew just how much time I could waste, until I had time to waste it! I turned in the last of my assignments on Wednesday, the first day of the month and the first night of official free time!

While I will not feel completely and totally unstressed until I get my actual grades and degree, I am feeling like a 3 story brick building has been taken off my shoulders. Just in time for full-blown Christmas relaxing. Well, that's not entirely true. As soon as I finished my internship and classes, I immediately picked up as many sub-jobs as possible and increased my availability at target by 300%. Even so, there is no greater feeling than coming home from my job(s) completely free to do anything.

Lately, Ryan has been asking me, "What have you been up to?" periodically throughout the day. I find it hard to answer that question. Hours pass and I have no idea what I have done. I'll probably start feeling guilty about not getting anything accomplished eventually, but as of now, I am enjoying the lazy-time that I have earned.
By day 3, I have wrapped up Christmas presents, washed a few dishes and hung a few clothes. I have started checking off items from me "Freedom List". This includes re-watching all of the seasons of Sex & the City - I'll round-off that item by watching both movies. Also on the list - read a magazine cover to cover. I've got issues from August that haven't even been touched! There are about 6 books on the list that I have been dying to read. I've found several art and sewing projects that I would love to try, too.

I figure by day 5 I will be ready to whole-heartedly tackle the things that actually need doing such as the laundry or the dishes or or changing my last name or calling my mom (just kidding, I did that on Day 1 - moms are important!)

In the meantime - pictures!
Our first Thanksgiving dinner as husband and wife: meatballs, ham, broccoli casserole and steamed green beans.

Homemade pumpkin pie for dessert:
After the meal, we put up the tree!Cheesy picture! Hanging our first ornament together

All decorated:

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Masters Degree - Elementary Education Comprehensive Exams

3 weeks.
3 questions.
3 research papers.

3 weeks starting 2 days after Ryan and I got married.
3 questions related to the Accomplished Practices of Professional Teachers.
3 in-depth research papers which must be in perfect APA style and use peer-reviewed articles from within the last 10 years.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Love my cookbook!

Give me 2 days off in a row and I can get so much accomplished...except when I wake up on the first of the two days with a stuffy nose and a headache. We are now at day 3 of being a sicky. Tylenol for the headache, decongestion medicine for the nose and my cookbook for the soul.

Ever since the bridal shower, I have had my nose stuck in the cookbook at least twice a week trying out new recipes. My spices cabinet has pretty much doubled in size! This week we are trying a beef stew, rosemary chicken with wild rice and beef stroganoff. Yum!

I am so excited about all the new kitchen gadgets too! I remember shopping for my brother's weddding. I kept thinking, "If I buy this for them, I am certain they will never use it." That is not the case in my kitchen! I never knew what a pastry blender was until I started devouring the cookbook and now I am on the hunt for one!

I love my Better Homes and Gardens cookbook! Thank you to Ryan's beautiful parents for thinking of such a lovely gift!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Send me to the kitchen!

Tonight, for the first time since December 2009, I have no homework! Spring semester really, really kicked my ass. My hard work paid off as I finished off the semester with 3 A's and a Satisfactory in my pass/fail class. Woohoo!

On a whim, Ryan and I stopped by Borders after having a celebratory dinner and ice cream. As I shopped, I found a cute little lemon print apron on clearance. I have been thinking about making or buying an apron for a couple of months now, but haven't found anything terribly desirable. The apron was a bit too long, but I bought it anyway because it was just cute enough. Something about it inspired me. As I showed it to Ryan I realized that with a bit of effort I could trim off the lengthy bottom and use the excess fabric to create pockets. Sold! I am aware that the project is a minor one to any seasoned seamstress; for me, it was an honest-to-goodness sewing project!

When we got home, I set right to work. It took some re-acquainting with the wonderfully mysterious contraption (at least for me) that is the sewing machine. There was also some trying and re-doing involved as always with me and my sewing projects. However, I did not give up! I now have my very own semi-homemade lemon print apron, complete with pockets! Enjoy:

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Buried under homework!

While I should be doing homework, I am updating the blog in hopes of building some momentum to write my paper that is due by midnight tonight.

There is so much homework due this week and I cannot seem to bring myself to complete it! This semester has been quite a struggle. I had to complete 80 hours of observation in addition to working at least 10 sub days (around my classes and other job). I am embarassed to say that I have yet to finish 25 hours - all that must be logged by the end of next week.

Due this week:
1. Strand Assignment - Oultine all of the Next Generation/Sunshine State Standards from Kindergarten - 8th grade on one strand of Mathematics. Then find 3 hands-on activities for each grade level. My strand is about Geometry. I had completed about 1/3 of this gargantuan assignment, took a break and came back to find that all of my work had been lost! I considered dropping out of school at this point.

2. Position paper on my personal Philosophy of Discipline - Choose and support my choice for which discipline plan works best for my future classroom. Align my discipline model with one of the researchers we have discussed this semester and detail some of the strategies I plan to use. I am actually interested in writing this semester. The class has been my favorite by far because the information I learn is applied directly when I substitute. Some of the theories actually work, can you believe it?!

3. Complete 2 more Math problem sets - Design at least 3 "good problems for students" and provide evidence of their work. Complete 3 activities on the National Library of Virtual Manipulatives, provide evidence. (This one is easy, but tedious).

4. Comprehensive Unit - Write a 10 day unit for a grade level of your choice on the topic of your choice. I chose 2nd grade subtraction to include basic subtraction, subtraction with regrouping, and multi-digit subtraction. The unit must have sunshine state standards listed and complete lesson plans.

5. Paper on Accomplished Practices - Following my almost finished 80 hours of observation I must write a discussion on 8 of the 12 Accomplished Practices of Educators. Using the Key indicators I have to discuss how the accomplished practices helped to shape the outcome of successful learning in a 4th and 2nd grade classroom.

These 5 things don't seem like such big monsters when I list them. However, this past weekend I had such a good time relaxing in Tampa with friends that it was hard to get back into the swing of my academic life. On top of that, the father of one of the teachers I have been observing passed away. She asked me to sub for her as many days as I could this week so that she could take care of everything and to help her get through this sad time. Between her classroom and the other school I sub at, I have subbed every day this week and will be subbing tomorrow. This included a half day immediately following my morning class on Wednesday. I am just happy that I only had to work 1 night this week at the other job. Early mornings have been rough this week and that does not make it easier for my brain to pump out accomplished practices or geometric activities or classroom management strategies!

Enough procrastinating...if you can't find me, just dig underneath the pile of books near my computer - I'm under there somewhere!

Friday, March 12, 2010

if I had time to blog...

I would:
1. Tell you all about my wonderful birthday which we celebrated almost a month ago!
2. Say thank you to all the people who sent me lovely cards
3. Talk about how difficult it is to pick a new app or ringtone for the iPhone with all the fantastic itunes/app store money I have been gifted with!
4. Talk about my new title and raise (woohoo!) at work
5. Regail you with details about all the wedding plans that are falling neatly into place
6. Post pictures
7. Talk about how the wedding is just barely over 6 months away!
8. Say how much I'm going to miss the cold, snuggle-inducing weather which has been replaced with rain and hot and humidity
9. Say "Happy Birthday Marcy" (it's not past midnight in my timezone, does that count?)
10. and, finally, I would talk about how I am back on track to get down to my fighting weight with Ryan's help!

Instead, I am exhausted from work and making a list of what I need to post about. As tired as I am right now, I am actually quite satisfied. Funny how a little raise can make the hours that much more worth it. It also helps that a lot of big details are set in place for the wedding. Goodnight!

Friday, February 12, 2010

A Full Cup

Last night, I got a call to substitute for a full day today. I immediately took the job for several reasons:
1. The school/teachers at the school prefer to use the same subs over and over because they learn the routine and the students and the students get to know the sub. Basically - the better sub you are, the more exclusively they call you.
2. The teacher calling has a pretty varied day and only works with small groups of children in Kindergarten and 5th grade - good variety.
3. Better pay day the more sub jobs I take.
4. It's the Friday before Valentine's Day and it's known that there is almost always a party - hello candy and treats!

So I got up early and got ready for the day ahead. The morning started off really easy. I had about 4 kids in a reading group and I really felt like a teacher. I used multiple strategies to try to teach the kids about autobiographies and biographies. I had a good handle on behavior despite the fact that the kids were very excited about their upcoming party. Next, I had a group of 8 or so for math. We talked about patterns and I really think I taught them something! It was a really good feeling.

After math, I went to a Kindergarten classroom. We colored and passed out Valentines. I watched 2 of the cutest little girls in the world read a story to me. They were almost reading better than some of the 5th graders I had earlier that morning. Some of the little ones gave me little valentines treats and sweet little hugs. 5th grade science came after Kindergarten. I just had to walk around and check their notes to make sure they were able to study them for their test on Tuesday. More candy and treats were passed out - yum!

My day ended at 11:30 when the big kids went to lunch. Their holiday party was after lunch and then they go to special area - neither of which I had to be present for. Sweet - still got paid the full day.I took advantage of the free afternoon and made my way over to the elementary school where I'm doing my 80 hours of observation. I made it just in time for them to pass out their Valentines and have their party. I helped the 2nd graders decorate cupcakes and passed out the other party treats. This class is just about the best behaved group of kids I have ever seen. They were so polite to each other and so excited about all their goodies. We played heads up 7-up and 4 corners to get some of their sugar-energy out and then my day there was over. I didn't log those hours as observation because it wasn't really academically informational. I mostly just wanted to see how a good teacher runs her class on a holiday.

I headed home to have a late lunch with Ryan before he headed off to work. We played our computer game for an hour and then I took a nap after he left. At 6:30 I had to go to work at Target. boo. It wasn't terrible though for a change. I was in a good mood from my sub job and observation. I felt well-rested after my nap.
I absolutely cannot wait to become a teacher and have my own classroom. For now, I'll settle for the mini-highs of teaching as a substitute and observing a great teacher in action. Overall, today was busy but very fulfilling.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Why I'm marrying him - Reason #925

Most weekend nights Ryan and I are working. We've been trying to avoid eating out just for the sake of eating out, so I regularly pack our lunches. So the other day I was getting my lunch and Ryan's lunch together. I made our sandwiches as usual and gathered all the fruits and granolas bars that serve as sides/snacks as we go through our night. I poured some light sweet tea into a bottle for Ryan and added it to his lunch. He's been trying to stay away from diet sodas lately and has replaced soda with lots more water. I know water isn't his favorite drink so I threw in the sweet tea. Upon noticing the new addition to his lunch, he looked down at me, held me in his arms and said, "This is why you're going to be a good mother. You're so conscientious when you pack my lunch. Our kids are going to have great lunches. You're gonna be a great mom." I swear to you, I was positively glowing! I have always wanted to be a mom and have also always worried (like most moms) about doing a good job. Hearing the man I love tell me that I'm going to be good was just about the sweetest moment in our engaged lives.

Most people I work with have asked me about my relationship with Ryan. Several of my co-workers have been through a divorceor two. When I tell them that we have been together for over 5 years and our engagement means the world to me, the response is usually "you guys are doing it the right way, so many people just rush into it and get it wrong." I know this and have known it for quite some time. Too often these days, people aren't taking marriage seriously. Marriage has almost become the modern version of "going steady". People rush into marriage and rush into divorce and hop right back into another marriage like they're replacing their car. Ryan and I are getting married because we literally want to spend the rest of our lives together. We thought carefully about what it means to be married and thought carefully about future together. We did things our way such that our relationship is strong and trusting. And moments like when he tells me I'm going to be a good mom solidify in my mind and my heart that, yes, we are doing it the right way.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

New semester, new year, new attitude

(Yes, I know it's been awhile...)

This semester started off at a running pace! I was so relaxed and stress-free during the Christmas/New Year break, so I was completely unprepared for the break-neck speeds of my classes! I was thinking that since 2 of my 4 classes are hybrid (some classtime, but mostly online work), it would be a breeze. Not!

This semester I am taking a Math class which has completely tedious, "busy-work" type of assignments. My teacher is very sweet, but wants a lot of hands-on work from us. It took me a couple of weeks to get into the groove, but I think I am caught up at last.

I'm also taking an ESOL class with another very sweet teacher. This is the second class I've had with the teacher, so I thought I knew what to expect. However, since its the sequel class it is much more in depth (read: more work!). But after getting through the tough weeks, I am back on track!

My third class is Classroom Management/Organization. We had a pretty big paper/presentation due in the 3rd week which is the cause of most of my disorganization and poor planning. This class was sort of the wake-up call that told me, "Get organized!". The teacher is very nice and we only have to actually go to class once a month. The rest is discussion board posting and responding. We have another major project due in April and I am already planning ahead!

The last class I'm taking is strictly observation in the field. I have to spend a total of 80 hours observing and writing about my observations. It sounds like a lot, but I'm looking at it as the constant reminder of how rewarding my future career will be. This is just the little step that I have to take to get there.

Today was my first observation day and I almost completely dropped the ball. I've been working really hard to go to bed early and get up well before Ryan so that I have time to do my homework. This morning Ryan had to be at work at 10:00, so I rolled out of bed just before he left to get his lunch together and then get my day started. I was lounging around in my pj's, eating breakfast and checking the usual websites before doing homework. Ryan texted me at 10:18 asking what my plan for the day entailed. As I'm detailing my lovely quiet morning at home, I suddenly realize that I'm supposed to be at the school for observation at 10:30! Fortunately, the school is about 4 minutes away from the apt, so I knew I could make it with some serious rushing. Also fortunately, my wake-up call from the rough start of the semester had prompted me to get prepared ahead of time. I brushed my teeth, got dressed in record time, grabbed my notebook and ran out the door. I made it right on time, but my teacher was held late in a meeting. The 10 minutes of waiting gave me time to collect myself and slow down again.

It must be my lucky day today because I ran into one of the girls in the program. I had been trying to get in touch with another teacher at the same school with no luck. She introduced me to the teacher and voila! I have my observation hours ready to go with the 2nd teacher! I'm positively glowing from my frantic yet very productive morning. Being around amazing teachers and working in their classrooms makes it very hard to go back to the retail job, but it's a means to an end and I'll get where I need to be eventually.