Saturday, November 14, 2009

Wedding Progress

Ryan and I have been engaged for about a month and a half now. Woot! Despite school and work obligations, we have managed to get some details worked out. It always helps me to have lists to see how far I've come and how far I have to go!

1. Centerpieces chosen - 1/2 the materials gathered (we're slowly gathering the pieces as we get the 50% coupons at Michael's - hooray for wedding on a budget!)
2. Wedding favors chosen - my mom's doing some serious baking the week of the wedding
3. Favor boxes ordered
4. Stationary purchased: Invitations, programs and thank you cards
5. Bridesmaids chosen
6. 1/2 the Groomsmen chosen
7. Colors picked (yellow for Ryan, pink for me)
8. Guest List finalized (I hope! We haven't added anyone in over a week, good sign)
9. Gift registries set up - and
--Please feel free to use these as gift ideas for Christmas and birthdays to come.... =)
--That was a fun day at Target. Ryan didn't let me use the gun at all! He said if he had to shop for this stuff, he got to be the gun holder. The second time we went, he let me use the gun because he's fair like that.
10. Wedding website in progress (stay tuned for links) - We just have to add some pictures and little bit of Ryan's flare to the website and it'll be up and running.

We're still workling out the wedding venue choices. We've seen some places that have pieces of what we want, but no one place has it all. There are a few more choices we're looking into, but I think I know which we'll choose if the last places come in over budget. We mostly just want a place where no one will feel cramped. We found place that has all the space we need at a good price, but all the decorations will have to be brought in ($$$). We found a place that has all the beauty for a bit over budget, but the room is sort of divided and some tables might feel separated from the party (no good).

And now it's time to do homework. Blah. The semester is over Dec 4 and that's right about the time Christmas shopping will be in full swing at work. No rest. But it's all worth it.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Weekend Away

This weekend will be half vacation and half wedding planning. Ryan and I will be galavanting about Jacksonville meeting with different reception location possibilities and spending time with my family.
After a very special email from Ryan's sweet mom and an attempt to put things into perspective, I have come off the cliff. I cannot control how others act, but I can control how I react to others.
We'll be traveling to Jacksonville tomorrow ready for a busy weekend of planning and hopefully a bit of relaxation.

In other news, I am buried in school work at the moment. One of the things that has always helped me to get things under control is making a list of everything that I have ahead of me. Once I finish an item on the list, I take a red pen and mark through it triumphantly. The list is quite long at this point, but I had the joy of crossing off 2 things this week. I have found my stride in this semester, at last. It helps to put the wedding stuff aside every now and then, even if it is just to do homework.
Ryan and I have decided that it might be best for me to slow down on school a bit. I'll be extending my program plan by one semester. This way, we will be able to actually take our honeymoon right after the wedding instead of 3 months later when my internship is over. Also, I won't have to take so many classes at once. We haven't had as much time together lately to really enjoy one another's company. What little time we do have is spent buying groceries, cleaning the apt and running errands. This weekend is much needed. Four whole entire days together is exactly what we need to keep the balance.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Expectations, Obligations and Entitlement

I have always thought that wedding drama was overrated. In my pre-engaged mind, I could not for the life of me figure out what could be so dramatic or stressful. Sure, there are several hundred details that could be hashed out in making your "Big Day" the most special day possible. I just couldn't see how picking out colors or menu items could be stressful. Didn't the idea of marrying the man you love with all your heart oblilterate any possibilities to have stress in planning how to make the marriage happen?
Budgeting is just about the only detail that I could see as a stressful matter. But Ryan and I are so close in thought when it comes to budgeting, I figured we'd skate past that detail easily.

I never once realized that the number of family members you have is exponentially related to the amount of stress and drama you experience. I am Philippino with Catholic roots. Basically that means in this equation I am screwed. My father has 7 brothers and sisters. My mother has 6 brothers and sisters. Each of those aunts and uncles of mine has children and some of those children have children of their own. While there are several family members that still live in the Philippines (Thank you Jesus!), there are quite a few who live in the States.

I have an aunt who feels that simply because she is my aunt and I am getting married, she is entitled to be a sponsor in the wedding. I have a cousin who has a daughter who feels that I should be obligated to have said daughter be the flower girl, possibly because I was in her wedding. I have a parent who is getting hoity-toity about whose side of the family is more represented in the wedding, my mom's side vs. my dad's side. I am expected to have my sister as my maid of honor. This is the only detail that my family has imposed on this wedding that I feel is appropriate and appreciated.

When I think of all of the things that my family wants and compare it to what Ryan and I want, I just want to scream or hide under the covers and wait until September 26, 2010 comes around. There are people in my extended family who have declared that they are not coming to the wedding because of a tactless Facebook comment made by another family member. I am suspicious of the full reasoning behind this declaration. It may be because I have not chosen my cousin's daughter as a Flower Girl and because I have not asked my aunt to be a sponsor. Either way, they are trying to make this declaration of non-attendance as a statement of anger and to make a strong point of how hurt their feelings are.
In all selfishness on my part, I do not care. It doesn't hurt my feelings in any way, shape or form that they are choosing not to come. I see their absence as 4 less people that I have to supply dinner for.

These people that I call family are being ridiculous, plain and simple. If it comes down to it, we won't have any bridesmaids or groomsmen or sponsors or flower girls or ring bearers. Ryan, using his best manager voice, will just have to tell them all too SUCK IT! (Hi, my name is Bridezilla...)

In the grand scheme of things, does the flower girl or ring bearer or sponsor or bridesmaid or groomsmen or usher have any impact on whether or not Ryan and I are married at the end of the day? In a word, NO!

And that's not even mentioning the fact that Ryan has family members as well. He has sisters, and nieces, and nephews and parents and cousins and aunts and uncles just the same minus about 100. It may be that he is protecting me from drama on his side, but I'm thinking it's more along the lines of the idea that there is no drama coming from his side. My cousin doesn't stop to think that maybe Ryan has a niece that would look lovely carrying a basket full of rose petals down the aisle. Which he does and she would, by the way. All she sees is that her daughter is not included and that must mean I hate their family. Obviously. On that subject, however, it is a well known fact in my family that this cousin and I have not always been BFF. She was probably the last person to be told, and that wasn't a coincidence. Knowing this, why would she feel I would want her bad attitude in the wedding party at all?

All I have left to say is, don't be surprised when instead of getting an invitation to the wedding, you get an announcement of our marriage with pictures of me in a huge Princess ball gown standing in the front of a courthouse with Ryan. Just don't be surprised.

Friday, October 30, 2009

who knew?

I feel like I just stepped into the new age of technology (about 5 years late). I have been thinking for awhile that I would like to have a new laptop. After about 2 months of thinking and thinking about it, I finally went out and bought one. I found a laptop for half the price of the last laptop I purchased 5 or 6 years ago.

This laptop has a built-in webcam. I didn't even know that was an option. It was pretty reasonably priced, and since the wedding costs are pretty much taken care of, I don't feel too bad about buying one. My major reasoning for buying one now was that I need a reliable, fast-working portable means of studying. I get very distracted in the apartment, so I very rarely get more than 30 minutes of studying done at any one time. I envisioned myself studying in the library for hours at a time or sipping coffee at panera while typing up lesson plans and other projects that require some serious planning.

So far, I have used my new technology to take a picture of my new haircut. See?

I am actually sitting in Panera, sipping coffee. So I guess now would be an appropriate time to crack open the 10lb book about teaching little kids to read. Oh yeah, and study for the science extra credit quiz to make up for the one I bombed last week!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Mid semester

This past week I had 2 midterms. One midterm went beautifully and the other felt like a scary disaster. Taking 3 classes in my undergrad felt like a breeze, midterms were never particularly hard and life was so much different. Taking 3 classes in Grad school is a bigger undertaking than I ever expected!

Following midterms, the bulk of my major assignments are due. We have a lesson plan to write, present to a group of students, record on video said presentation and write a report on the lesson plan experience as a whole. On top of that, we had to conduct an extensive reading assessment on an emergent reader and write a report on that interview. Aside from these assignments, we have to write weekly journals based on the readings (100+ pages sometimes) each week. The journals take about 5 hours to complete, no exageration. These are just for one class!

For my other classes, I have to write 3 more lesson plans and take 2 finals. The other classes are less intense, but still need attention.

There was a time when I was really feeling spread too thin. I was subsitute teaching and working at Target, pulling doubles across the 2 jobs. Studying for midterms and preparing for papers. Taking piano lessons. Trying to plan a wedding. Trying to spend time with my fiance. Trying to fall asleep at night after long, mentally and physically exhausting days and feeling unsure as to whether I would be able to keep my head above the water.

Things have calmed down quite a bit, mostly because I was about to break. I bought a planner and got organized, cut back on substitute teaching only on days when I don't also have to work at Target, my last piano lesson is on Tuesday (sad), and I'm taking the wedding planning in manageable chunks. A little organization goes a long way! Of course, I am always behind on the laundry and the apartment is in a constant state of disarry. We always have clean underwear and food to eat, so something must be going right!

Mid semester means I am running down the homstretch. I can't allow the homework and busy schedule become a mountain that I am afraid to climb. One week at a time, keeping a weather eye on what's coming up, but celebrating the little gains. I can do this without losing it.

Friday, October 16, 2009


Regimental Commander
Officer of the Fleet
And a Space Marine for Jenn*

Monday, September 28, 2009

Planning a Wedding

The initial "ohmygodisthisreallyhappeningtome" is slowly starting to become "ohmygodthisreallyishappening!" I had no idea there would be so much that goes into a wedding.
We have a LOT of details to figure out. Fortunately, Ryan is very patient and easy-going. He lets me talk my through my thoughts out loud and isn't set on anything in particular.
We have yet to decide if we are going to have the wedding in Jacksonville (where my big family is) or Gainesville (where lots of Ryan's family is and where we have spent the majority of our relationship). I always thought that a wedding was supposed to happen in the girl's hometown, but I guess that's a detail that's changed over time. I have found 3 or 4 locations in each place that are serious possibilities. We are planning to make some phone calls and schedule some tours within the next month or so. Picking the location seems to be a good starting point. We'll let the rest of the details flow after the location is settled on.

There are some details that I am set on, but so many more that I don't even know where to begin.
1. Should we get a videographer?
2. What should the centerpieces be?
3. Where/when will we go on a honeymoon?
4. How much can we do ourselves and how much do we pay to have things done for us? Invitations? Wedding favors?
5. What should the wedding favors be?
6. I have no idea what kind of wedding dress I want!

Help! If you have any tips or trick up your sleeves, please share them!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

September 25, 2010 - Save the Date!

Ryan and I are ENGAGED! Despite the fact that I have been thinking about this nearly constantly for the last 4 or so years, it still feels wonderful and exciting. He picked the most beautiful and most perfect ring.

We have this running joke that if I go broke, he doesn't mind being my sugar daddy, he just won't fund my IRA. When he proposed, he said to me, "So, I was thinking that you know I am unwilling to fund your IRA, but I would be happy to fund our IRA." Then he pulled out a ring and asked me to marry him! Of course the answer was yes and we had a little romantic moment as we basked in our new engagement.
We went out to dinner to celebrate. My phone has 6% battery life left in it because I have been on the phone for so long!

I am so in love with Ryan. He is everything in my life that makes me happy. When things are sad or happy or exciting or boring, I only want to share it with him. This engagement isn't just the necessary next step, it is simply what he and I are meant to do. We love one another, we share interests and we support each other's separate interests and hobbies. Our relationship is important to us and therefore we work at it every day to be sure that we continue to love and support each other.
In order to take the pictures, I had to invade Ryan's craft space because it has the best lighting situation for up close pictures. Since my fiancé is ever-obliging, he simply worked around me girly foolishness.
Here is the ring up close. So pretty!
And as a toll for borrowing the workspace, this is Space Marine standing with my newly ringed finger.
And here we are! Engaged! In love!

September 25, 2010 is the day that we hope to celebrate our wedding. So mark your calendars, people. It's going to be a sensational Saturday.

Monday, September 21, 2009


Today, we went to walmart to see if they had a game that was recently released. I very much try to avoid walmart at all costs, and not just because of where I work. Ryan' describes trips to walmart as completely depressing, and I am inclined to agree. One of the major things that bothers me is the fact that walmart cashiers are consistently resistent to the idea that I would like to make my purchase and walk away without getting a bag. We usually bring our reusable bags to publix and target, but when we forget, we never get any trouble for choosing not to use a bag. On one shopping trip to crapmart, one cashier actually got mad at us for not wanting a bag.

This trip we had 4 items, 2 cans of spray paint and 2 packages of Heroscape figures (toys), easily carried by two capable individuals without getting an unnecessary plastic bag. The cashier rudely informed us that "you can't just walk out of the store without this stuff and no bag, it'd be different if you had a package of gum but this is completely different." To which I replied, "Even with a receipt?" Crapmart cashier insisted, "No. I have to put it in a bag. You can recycle the bag at the door, but I can't let you walk away without a bag." The aforementioned recycling bin was inside of the store, so you'd have to empty your bag before you exited which means we would walk out of the store with products and no bag!" The situation mostly annoys me because I just don't get why the cashiers seem to take it personally that I choose not to waste plastic bags. It also wouldn't have been so bad if the cashier wasn't so rude about it. She was so angry that we didn't want a bag for our merchandise. So angry. I'm just going to have to start bringing my Target reusable bags each of the very few times that I shop at that store.

I'm just saying...

Friday, September 18, 2009

Far, far away

Wow. I didn't realize it has been so long since I last posted.

Since I got back from vacation, things have been kind of crazy. I'm taking 3 classes this semester which isn't terrible. It is taking quite a bit of effort to keep up with it all, though. Between working at Target, substitute teaching and going to class, I'm stretching myself a little thin. All of my classes require a substantial amount of reading and I'm proud to say that I have been keeping up pretty well.

Also since I got back from vacation, I have had this overwhelming feeling of isolation. I went from being in an RV surrounded by my mom, dad, sister, brother and sister-in-law to apartment living with just Ryan. Here in Panama City, we haven't really made any friends. There are people that I talk to at Target and maybe once in a blue moon I'll spend time with one of them outside of work. Literally, in actuality, I mean once on a blue moon night, I went to dinner and then shopping with a girl from work. I think we did that about 2 months ago.

We might not have gotten along perfectly well on the RV trip, but it was really nice and really fun to be surrounded by my family. I genuinely miss them all. Since moving out of my parents house waaaay back in 2002, I haven't really had that feeling sink in so deeply. Living in Gainesville meant that my family was only an hour and a half away. I never missed anyone's birthday and never worried about making it home for the holidays. Ryan's family was just around the corner and that meant more family and more fun. Panama City is only between 4 and 6 hours away from it all, but somehow that seems too far.

I missed my sister's birthday last week and it was pretty much heart-breaking to hear about how she had about 30 people (mostly family) came to her house to celebrate with her. I'm not even sure I'm going to make it home for Thanksgiving since I now work in retail. That is truly depressing.

I very much miss being close to family and friends.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Up...kind of a downer

Ryan and I took advantage of a common evening off by going to see the new Pixar movie "Up". It's about this old man who decides to use a million or so ballons to fly his house to South America. Only...the previews don't really mention that it's a rather depressing path that leads him to the whole house-flying decision. It is an animated film by a company who has a history of making excellent children's films, but Up isn't exactly along the same happy-go-lucky theme as, say, Monsters Inc, Finding Nemo, Cars, etc.

I'm not going to say it was a bad movie and I won't give anything away, but I will say that it wasn't the happy fun date movie we had hoped for.

IN OTHER FANTASTIC NEWS! I splurged. I bought an iphone! I am in awe of all the wonderful things it can do and I've only discovered half of it. I had been planning on buying an itouch for several months now. I mentioned as much to my brother who promptly convinced me that an itouch was simply a iphone without the phone capabilities, and if I was planning on buying both a new phone and a new ipod by the end of the year I might as well get the iphone (I apologize for the run-on sentence). I thoought to myself, "I can never justify in my mind paying for a wildly expensive phone, breaking my current phone contract and paying ridiculous amounts for a data plan." Again, my brother directed me down the right path. Apparently, all I needed was to buy an iphone through craigslist on the cheap. Another problem arose at this point, living in a relatively small tourist town means that there are slim pickens on Craigslist. Jacksonville, however, has options galore. After a few calls, a quick trip to meet a guy with a phone and a fedex delivery (delayed by a holiday weekend), I am a proud owner of an iphone for a lower-than-market-average price!

And now I'm going to play with the fanciest gadget I have ever owned.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Date Day

Lately, since my schedule and Ryan's job in general have been so stressful and exhausting, we have been hard-pressed for quality time together. By the time we have a day or even just an evening off together we are too exhausted to do anything but sit around the house.

Last week, I worked the closing shift 7 nights in a row in electronics, followed by a day shift as a cashier. The consecutive nights were those leading up to and during Father's Day. Everyone and their child wanted to buy some sort of electronic gadget for their dad. I can't tell you how many GPS thingies (yes, I'm very technical) we sold or how many cameras. Every night the store was an absolute mess and we had to stay until midnight or later every night. The night before Father's day I didn't make it home until after 2am! Needless to say, there was not much energy in me to clean up around the apartment. I was washing and drying the laundry, but instead of folding and putting it away, I was piling the clothes neatly in a corner of the bedroom. Dishes were piling up as well. Fortunately, following my 8-day stretch I was lucky enough to have 2 days off in a row (Ryan had neither of the days off). In my 2 days off, I beat back the laundry pile and Ryan found time to get the dishes cleaned up.

Before the 8 day stretch, we had a common day off and took the opportunity to go out to eat and watch a movie (The Hangover, very funny). Today, we decided to have another date day in celebration of another day off together (twice in one month! shocking.). We enjoyed dinner at Carrabba's and then watched Transformers. It was a very good movie, though I do not recommend drinking lots of water at dinner and then lots of soda during the movie. Date days have been few and far between lately which makes them all the more special.

Monday, June 15, 2009

now that's a deal

Ryan and I have been throwing around the idea of buying one of those fancy HDTV flat screens for quite some time. We've researched online and checked store ads weekly, but for some reason could never justifying buying a new tv when our current tv's were working out just fine.

One of the main reasons we've been wanting a new tv is so that we can hook up mutiple accessories at once. The last time I actually got a new tv was on Christmas back in 1998. Yes, that's right, NINETEEN NINETY-EIGHT! Eleven years ago. I'm not sure when Ryan acquired his 2 tv's, but I can tell you they probably weren't much younger than my tv. The tv from 1998 has a fairly large screen so it's been our main, living room tv in about every apartment I've ever lived in. The large screen however comes with a large body behind it, meaning it's a pain in the neck (mostly my dad's or Ryan's neck...) to get upstairs or moved around as much as we've moved. It's other major downfall is the fact that it only has one RCA hook-up. We could only have either our game console or the dvd player hooked up at one time. It would be fine if the Wii played DVD's, however that is not the case with the Wii.

Lately, Target has been sticking me back in Electronics where I have picked up a fact or two about tv's and other assorted electronics. Working in electronics also gives me first dibs on tv's that go on sale or on clearance, provided I can snatch it up on my break before a guest buys it first. We decided last night that the best deal on the 32" tv we wanted was indeed at Target, my 10% discount tipped the scale. So, I made my way back there to see if we had any in stock. And then! I found (read: Jacob a.k.a "Mr. Electronics Guy" showed me) a clearance 37" tv. I received 30% off for buying the display plus 10% off for my Team Member discount. This means that Ryan and I got a 37" tv that normally runs for $579.99+tax for the low, low price of $337 and that's with the tax included! Less than we were planning to spend on the 32"! Woohoo! It looks like it's worth it to work in retail every now and then.

After 11 years, it doesn't feel like too much of a splurge to spend $337 to upgrade a bit.

Movie night anyone?

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Yea for a Masters!

I had my first official meeting with my FS-boo advisor yesterday. She and I worked out a grand plan to get me finished with the classes part of things by Summer of next year. After that with any luck I will get a teaching job that will also count toward my "Student Teaching" experience. Some of the perks of the program that I wasn't aware of inlcude the fact that I will be ESOL certified and my Reading Endorsement will be complete. Though the Reading Endorsement thing isn't widely accepted outside of FL, many other states will see it as a desirable credit, if not a credentialed specialization. Some of my classes will be taken at the Undergraduate level while still counting toward the Masters degree! This means my student loans will be significantly lower than I had originally planned.

Following my meeting with the advisor, I felt energized and excited to be really going back to school (again). For some reason it felt more like a chore at UCF. Maybe because the classes were online in Orlando. Meeting in actual lecture halls with teachers and other students seems to signify actually being in school for me.

Things are shaping up even more in PCB.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Work has been kicking my butt lately. It's been awhile since I've worked random hours and random days off. It isn't quite the teaching job I am hoping to one day fill, but in its own ways it can be very rewarding. I've been moving around to different areas - Electronics (an area in which I know nothing!), Presentation Team (they clean and reset all the areas of the store, one painfully dirty section at a time), and other various things.

This week I've worked a 5am shift, a 6am shift and an 8am shift so far and I am beyond sleepy. Though I think instead of taking a nap today, I might try to unwind with a walk on the beach. Ryan's at work and the mess of the apartment is too frustrating to deal with today. I just hope it doesn't rain...

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Who can feel guilty about reading a girly book in bed while enjoying a spoonful of funfetti vanilla frosting (okay two+ spoonfuls)?

Certainly not I!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Dollars and sense

Ever since Ryan's mom (Happy Birthday!!) introduced me to the world of coupons, I've been dying to get that really good deal. I've been working on holding on to coupons and checking out sales yielding small successes here and there. CVS seems to be the place to really get some good deals, but their products are not exactly items that we frequently need. I've had my eye on the Dove Skin Vitalizer thing, but it just didn't seem right to spend $13 to try a product for fun.

CVS is having an unadvertised sale according to Southern Savers and there's now a $3.50 coupon. Here's how the pros do it (bear in mind I am no pro, just having fun saving the dolla dolla bills):

Total before sales and coupons: $13.90
Total out of pocket: $0.54
Total savings: 96%

Now that's a deal that makes sense.

In other news, I have officially been "promoted" at Target. Now don't get too excited. It's a lateral move, but still a step in the right direction. I will be in charge of the cosmetics section of the store. The new position has been referred to as Cosmetics Team Captain - me being the only person on the cosmetics team. I'll take it! The key fact to note is that this change in position basically guarantees I am no longer a seasonal employee. Thank God!

Saturday, April 11, 2009


There's no honesty like my mother's honesty. She will be the first to (ruthlessly) tell me when I have lost/gained weight, when I look pale or when I'm being cranky. It can be exhausting and sometimes prevent me from visiting home. The past 2 weeks I have been feeling anxious about this weekend because I am going home for Easter. I've been laying out by the pool every chance I get because I know I've gained some weight, but I'll be damned if she tells me I look pale. Especially considering I live so close to the beach now.

Work has been kicking my butt. I work all kinds of hours, usually staying later than my scheduled shift. I'm very much enjoying the change of pace, but am having trouble with the lack of a steady or predictable routine. When my day is crazy and meals are unplanned, we go out to eat and it isn't usually healthy. I have tried and tried to get back on weight watchers, but the same motivators are no longer sufficient to keep me on track. Ryan is also very stressed from his job and going out to dinner has always been a great stress reliever for us. If he suggests going out to eat, I'm there. If I'm not in the mood to cook, he's starting the car and we're headed for the nearest restaurant.
We can't keep up like this. The scale is becoming The Enemy and I have no one but myself to blame. Therefore, I've created a new system of motivation to eliminate stress-eating/endless weght gain and support (controlled) retail therapy. My new goal is to lose 15 lbs (9 to get back to where I was and 6 to get where I want to be). If When the goal is achieved, I am buying myself a new phone. I've always been conservative when it comes to phones, always choosing something simple and relatively inexpensive. The razor felt like a fancy phone to me, and it's just your basic flip phone. I'm leaning towards an iPhone. Or maybe a blackberry pearl.

In the meantime, the little weight losses must be celebrated each week also. There are a few things I've been wanting to purchase but have been holding back. This week, if I can drop 2 lbs, I'm buying a purse. I know it seems rather vain and perhaps irresponsible to buy myself presents to celebrate weight loss. The old motivators - my pants are getting to tight, I hate looking in the mirror, my mom, it's bathing suit season - just aren't cutting it. For the last 2 days, the new motivation is working. If I can just get past the first painful week, I think I will achieve my goal.

Wish me luck...

Sunday, March 29, 2009

5:00 am

Yes that's right. 5:00am. I am going to work. I do not believe it should be legal to schedule a person to work before the coffee shops sell coffee. Just a thought.

Friday, March 27, 2009

chicken con broccoli anyone?

So among my small circle of friends, there is a lot of teasing about the fact that when it comes to food, I am very predictable. For about 5 years in a row, we celebrated my birthday at Olive Garden and I always ordered the garlic chicken con broccoli. What can I say? I really enjoy it. It's a healthier option and I know I will always enjoy it. You can overcook a steak, or salmon can be too dry. Pork can be too tough and lamb is just not my slice of meat. Chicken and broccoli just works for me.
Well, it gets worse. Whatever restaurant we go to I order some variant of chicken with broccoli. And if the entree doesn't come with broccoli, I add it or if it comes with seasonal veggies, I request to only have broccoli. Every once in a while I branch out and order different things. I've recently begun to enjoy a nice steak (with broccoli - can't branch out too far). And Bonefish makes an amazing pork tenderloin. But when it comes down to it, I go for my favorite.
AND NOW! I can make it at home. sends out recipe emails once a week or so. Last week, Broccoli Alfredo came up and I decided to go for it (and add chicken). My friends. I am pretty pleased with this recipe, more than just because it is my staple entree. I can actually make it. Let's be real here. History has shown us, we know my cooking skills are not so great.

All by myself, I cooked up some Chicken con Broccoli! It looks good, it tastes good, it smells good - I may never have to go to Olive Garden again...

Friday, March 13, 2009

Moving Mayhem

I have moved many, many times in the years since I first left my parents house. It was mostly within Gainesville and roughly the same sized apartments. Leaving Gainesville meant going from a 3/3 to a 2/2 in Orlando. We downsized a lot. It felt good to clean out some of the things that we don't use and it was very entertaining to have out stuff magically disappear from beside the dumpster in a matter of hours.
The move to Panama City Beach seemed daunting because of the six hour drive. For a frequent mover like me, collecting boxes, recruiting my parents and packing quickly are not terribly scary anymore. Only in my dreams would a move involve actual movers and moving truck drivers. Well, folks, my boyfriend and his fancy company hired a company to get our goods from Orlando to PCB in 2 days flat. The majority of the packing was done by myself and Ryan in the early stages of the move. Boxes were stacked high and the apartment was in a general state of chaos.
In the midst of it all, Ryan found ways to keep things light-hearted and romantic. He constantly gave me little hugs and kisses and reassuring reminders that someway, somehow we'd get through the move happily.
On Monday afternoon, we drove down to Orlando to get the rest of the apartment packed. We were exhausted physically and mentally by the time we hit the sack that night around 2:00am. We had more packing to do, but exhaustion prevailed. The movers were scheduled to arrive sometime between 8-10am so we planned to be up and packing around 7am. I have never used a moving company before so I had no idea what to expect. At about 9 a knock on the door announced the arrival of the movers (a.k.a - our new best friends). 2 guys would haul the loot into the truck and 1 lady would do the rest of our packing for us. They told us the best thing for us to do is grab a cup of coffee and sit down somewhere out of the way. All of the miscellaneous knick knacks would be swept into boxes without any help from me or Ryan. Who knew about this amazing thing? I always operate under the mindset that if I can do it myself, why pay for it? Why? Why? Movers and their amazing skills make me rethink my position.

We decided to leave them to their work. We went all around town wrapping up our last minute errands and taking one last trip to Ikea (duh!). When we got back the apartment was completely empty. Shocking. Wonderful. Effortless. Love it. Tuesday we checked out of the apartment without difficulty. That night we were only lucky enough to get about 5 hours of sleep before we had to drive out to the apartment to meet the movers. Once again, they came through and did all the work. They put things where we directed, insisting all the while that we not help at all. Fine by me.
Our lives in a moving truck:
Before the storm:

After the truck exploded:

I'm very excited about the apartment. Once all the boxes were crammed into the space, my heart began to sink a little as the space seemed smaller and smaller. As we sort through the boxes and uncover the rooms, I feel less and less claustrophobic.
And finally, a growing stack of empty boxes: (don't worry we'll be taking them to the local recycling place!)

Friday, March 6, 2009

Day 325 in a hotel...

We have run out of rations and entertainment. I am ready to hang myself on the shower curtain road.

Okay so I'm being a bit dramatic. It has only been 10 days in the hotel for me and 12 for Ryan. What I am really trying to convey here is that hotel life is getting old. Thankfully, Ryan's family has been kind enough to visit. First Jacqui and Luke came through town. The hilarity that ensues when you put the four of us together is unpredictable and quite enjoyable. I'm not sure we ever really stopped laughing, well maybe during Slumdog Millionaire. Beyond that though, we had a fabulous evening.

This weekend Ryan's parents are in town. The visits are really helping to break up the monotony that is hotel living. I am attaching myself to them (poor guys, they had no idea I was about to lose my mind from boredom). They have lovely plans that I fit neatly into.

In the 9 days that I have been here I have:
1. Secured a job
2. Found a real place to live
3. Experimented with black nail polish
4. gone shopping 3 times
5. Seen Slumdog Millionaire
6. watched a LOT of HBO1, 2 and 3
7. slept a lot
8. completed a 1000 piece puzzle (without looking at the box)
9. played a new board game with Ryan a few times
10. read a Real Simple magazine cover to cover
11. gone out to eat more times than any healthy person ever should
12. not gone to see the supposedly amazing beaches (not sure why it's panned out that way)

I really shoudln't be complaining. I could be living in Orlando until the lease ends which would mean that I would be by myself jumping and hiding from miscellaneous sounds and shadows. Instead of hanging out with my beloved every moment he's not at work, I could be hanging out with boxes. Not ideal or even comparable.

This weekend is really the final stretch. Ryan's parents (a.k.a - Jenn's playmates and entertainment) are in town for the weekend. Then on Monday morning we move out of the hotel, sign our lease and head back to Orlando to get the rest of our goods. We'll be back here by Tuesday night, the transition phase will be over and our new life officially begins. I am infinitely excited about making this new apartment a home. We plan to be here for a couple of years and don't plan on jumping from one apartment to the next during this time. I will put up custom made curtains, picture/poster frames will go up and we may purchase some updated and matching furniture to fit the new space. There are several goodwill/consignment shops around here, so hopefully it won't be hard on the budget or the environment to spice up the looks of our home.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Lucky Thursday

Today was a whirlwind kind of day. I drove up to Ryan's hotel last night. It's a long drive and I came up with the following poem as I drove past Tallahassee: Seminoles are ay-holes. I think it's worthy of an award.

Anyway. Ryan and I woke up bright and early to enjoy a lovely continental breakfast together. Afterward, I went to my interview with Target. I had a first, second and final interview across about an hour and a half. Before I realized what was actually happening I had a job. I'm considered a seasonal employee, though I am pretty confident I will prove my worthiness of a full hire fairly quickly.

We had planned to spend the rest of the afternoon checking out places to live. We visited one place, but the leasing agent was so busy that we decided to come back later for a tour and discussion of prices. Based on a billboard (advertising works!) we visited another place that we both fell in love with. Completely against my usual over-planning, over-researching habits, we applied for the apartment and gave them a deposit. All in one day, I have a job and an apartment. I am so thankful for how smoothly this process is going. To be honest, I'm still sort of in shock.

Depending on when my orientation is and when the moving truck will be collecting our belongings to move, I may or may not even be going back to Orlando at all. It doesn't make a lot of sense to drive 300+ miles, pay for gas and tolls, just to work a couple of days then drive back. Especially since Ryan will have to drive back separately to meet the moving truck and help me finish cleaning/packing. It looks like the best plan is for me to stay here until we can both ride back to Orlando together (a trip which Ryan's job will pay for gas and tolls), meet the moving truck, load things up, clean up, check out of current lease/apt and head back. We'll be living in a hotel for a couple of weeks. We're going to think of it as an extended vacation. I love staying in hotels anyway. The only glitch in the plan is that I didn't pack enough clothing for myself. Not exactly the end of the world.


Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I have a job interview on Thursday! I am very excited that things could be settled a lot quicker than I ever imagined. I feel a little overwhelmed at how quickly and smoothly things are moving.
We spent Thursday and Friday cleaning and packing as much as humanly possible due to the incoming surge of friends on Saturday/Sunday. One day there was a mountain of things that still needed to be accomplished - curtains to take down, holes to fill, boxes to pack - and then the next day we were surrounded by full boxes and spackled walls. I'm in the midst of paring down the things that I will need in the next couple of weeks and things that can be tossed.

Thursday thru Sunday will take me away from the sea of boxes and into a time of apartment searching, job interviewing and meeting with advisors for the dreaded FSU. I will be an FSU student. It still hurts me deep inside to say that, to even think it. I am a GATOR inside and out. I have trouble even considering the fact that a degree from FSU could be valid and worth something. Obviously it is a wonderful school, accredited and all that jazz, but when you're a Gator trying to reconcile yourself to a Seminole degree, lines start to get blurred.

Either way, we're counting our many blessings. Things may not have been ideal in Orlando and may not be perfect in the new place, but you can bet that I'm thankful for all that I have in my life however hard it was to get here.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


My day began at 7:10AM when my phone started buzzing every 20 minutes for about 3 hours straight. When the first text message came in, I thought to myself, "Seriously people, my birthday is the entire day, why start so early?"

Truly though, I am blessed with a HUGE family and many friends who love me very much. My brother called and sang a very interesting rendition of "Happy Birthday to you" which ended in his wife begging him to stop singing. My mom and dad called me and sent their love. My sister called a little past the crack of dawn and my aunts each sent me lovely picture text messages. It's an amazing feeling to feel this special and I am so thankful to be surrounded by such love.

Of course, nothing beats the day that I am having with my Ryan. We planned to go to PF Chang's for lunch, then go see "He's just not that into you" afterward. PF Chang's didn't work out because we had a slow start to the morning and wouldn't be able to make the movie if we waited to be seated. So we wandered around the Winter Park shopping plaza and found this lovely restaurant that neither one of us has ever been to called "Brio - Tuscan Grill". We sat out on the patio with the most perfect weather that anyone could ever dream of! Our table was in the sun at first, but we were able to move under the shade of a big umbrella. There was a light breeze with a temperature of about 72 degrees. We had a slow and decadent meal. My exact idea of perfection. Words cannot even begin to describe my levels of elation at this time and the day isn't even over yet.

Thank you to everyone for their birthday wishes and thoughts of love and friendship. I hope everyone is feeling as loved as I am right now!


Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Wednesday was a very long and challenging day. Substitute teaching can be rewarding, but challenging expecially when you introduce clinically diagnosed mental illnesses. It was a one-on-one day that just about absorbed all of my patience for the month! I texted as much to Ryan toward the end of the day. Being the sweet boy that he is he agreed to meet me at one of our favorite restaurants, Chili's, for a relaxing dinner out. We talked about just about everything for the entire dinner, after 4 years dinner out still felt like a first date.

Valentine's Day is rapidly approaching which means 2 things - I'm turning 25 and we all get to celebrate love of family, friends and life. I am deeply in love with my Ryan and from the way he looks at me, the feeling is mutual. I have nooooooo idea what I want for my birthday. I never know what I want for presents though. Mostly, I just like to go out and have a nice dinner. Maybe some flowers. But after that, I don't have a book or a purse or a movie that I've just been dying to have. If he just promises to love me forever, I will have everything I want for my birthday and Valentine's Day. I'm such a corny sap.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Because so much has happened...

Since pictures can summarize things better... Here is how the last couple of months have been.

Ryan and I got out the tree right after Thanksgiving. We put it together:

Then, we decorated it and stood beside it proudly.

Also in December, Laney got married to Dennis:

She was such a gorgeous bride and we were so happy to be there for her wedding!I caught the bouquet! She actually threw it at me, but however it happened, it's mine! After the wedding, there was Christmas in Jacksonville:
I got old at some point and had to get glasses:
We got all dressed up so we could take our holiday card photo (very late) and only sent one card out...We celebrated the New Year at home in our PJ's with raspberry champagne: And finally, since I've gained a bunch of weight through all the holdiay madness, I got one of these from my sister as an early birthday present:

We'll be heading to Jacksonville and Melrose tomorrow to celebrate birthdays and a late Christmas, so there's more to come!