My new year's resolution was to run in a 5k, a 10k and a 15k this year. It seemed like a nice progressive plan of 3 major runs in a year. Little did I know... those runs are several miles long!
There is no plan for my running, I just go and see how the run feels. I told myself not to have crazy high expectations and to listen to my body. Running has been a slowly building process in which I work hard every time and get better and better results each run.
Late December, I jogged for a full mile straight. Last week, I finally made it up to jogging for 2 full miles. I know that may seem like small potatoes for some people, but it was a pretty big accomplishment for me. I texted my sister afterwards that I had never run that long or that far, nor had ever thought about even trying much less actually doing it. When the nice lady on my Nike GPS told me that I had "Completed 2 miles" something in me broke and my legs just stopped jogging. I tried another little jog after I walked a bit, but could not get myself to go more than a few feet. I walked a mile to cool down and marveled at how I could have just jogged so far.
Yesterday, I began my run as usual. I thought to myself, "Maybe today, I could jog 3 miles" A few times I went back and forth between "I can't" and "Yes, I can!" until somewhere along the way the nice Nike GPS lady said "3 miles completed".
My sister and I have been sending each other motivational messages and pictures since December 1st when we promised to lose 5lbs each month until we reached our goal weight. The words and pictures that we've been sending fly through my head each run. "When your legs give out, run with your head/heart" "The run never takes more than it gives back" "The only workouts I regret are the ones that didn't happen"
Running has taught me never to doubt what I am capable of doing. I had never dreamed of running 2 miles and yesterday I completed 3 miles. My new year's resolution will happen, "I can't" is no longer part of my vocabulary. My beginning motivational quote was "No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everyone on the couch". Now it's "PUSH YOURSELF - someone out there is warming up with your max"
Like a kid in a candy store
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
New beds!
Over a year ago, Ryan and I got married! Woo!
I know I know, old news. But I have a reason for bringing it up. Ryan and I finally took my parents up on their gift of a new bed as our wedding present. We have moved so many times in our relationship that we were trying to hold out until we found a more permanent home (as in longer than a 1 year lease) but the uncomfortable bed could not stay another day. After some research and budget planning, we (mostly me) decided on a sweet memory foam bed and a platform from ikea!
It only took me 5 hours to build, but I love it more every day.

Also, the height works perfectly with our nightstands. We can finally stop bumping our heads and faces on the corners!
It only took me 5 hours to build, but I love it more every day.
Hazel lucked out because I couldn't handle the idea of tossing out a perfectly good (and expensive) memory foam topper and our apartment is way to cramped already to store it. So something had to be done with it.
We set up her cage,
but she has since grown out of her yellow bed from when she was a sick puppy.
A new bed was in the cards for her and I seized the opportunity to get crafty. I was still feeling on a high from the wallet, so I went for it full steam ahead.
Hazel wanted to be a part of every step of course. She wanted to be sure mom's lines were straight and that the cushion was, ya know, cushy enough.

I hardly had it in place before Hazy jumped in to test out her new digs. She approved!
A new bed was in the cards for her and I seized the opportunity to get crafty. I was still feeling on a high from the wallet, so I went for it full steam ahead.
Hazel wanted to be a part of every step of course. She wanted to be sure mom's lines were straight and that the cushion was, ya know, cushy enough.
I hardly had it in place before Hazy jumped in to test out her new digs. She approved!
fun things: my new wallet
Ever since I found this website: craftgawker, I have been trying to get around to all these projects that I've "oooohed" and "aaaahed" over but never actually attempted. Prior to my recent artsy-craftsy period, the most I had ever done was some straight line sewing of curtains. I haven't scrapbooked in a very long time, so it was a really good feeling to get into the crafting mode again.
First things first: a sweet little wallet you can find here. This wallet that fits perfectly inside my cute purse from etsy.

It took a few tries and since I'm new to the idea of cataloging my crafts, I only have pictures of the finished product. The first wallet took me about 4 hours and the second that I made for Nina took about half and hour! I am extremely excited about the results!
I'm hoping that blogging my craft adventures will help inspire me to continue starting AND finishing projects. More to come!
First things first: a sweet little wallet you can find here. This wallet that fits perfectly inside my cute purse from etsy.
I'm hoping that blogging my craft adventures will help inspire me to continue starting AND finishing projects. More to come!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
I am officially a teacher!
On Wednesday, January 5, I accepted a position as a 2nd grade teacher. Several years ago, I graduated from UF completely unsure of what I would do with my degree. After 2 years of searching and thinking, I observed in a 2nd grade classroom and decided right then and there that I was called to be a teacher. It took much struggling and many tearful and stressed out moments to get me to this point. I never dreamed of getting a job immediately after graduation, especially not in the grade I had always wanted to teach.
In order to get officially certified as a teacher, I had to forge past a couple of small mountains. It seems that not changing my name officially and having graduated too recently was causing problems. I have been praying for nothing but strength and patience. A moment before losing hope and patience, I realized something. I was wearing the same shirt on the day I observed years ago that I wore at my interview and was offered the position. This was completely unintentional, but it taught me something very deep inside. Aside from the fact that I obviously don't update my wardrobe very often, I realized that my prayers had come full circle. God had shown me that I truly was meant for this position and that I only needed to follow the path He laid out for me. So what if my transcripts didn't come through right away or that my name change slowed the process considerably? Who cares that I had to get hired as a sub for a day before I could be hired as an official teacher? Did it make a difference at all that I wanted these things to happen faster? In the end, God knew it would work out and He knew that I would need to learn patience and perseverance in order to become a truly good teacher.
Monday of this past week was my first day of school as a second grade teacher. It took everything I had to make it through this week! The first 4 days, I counted my blessings that even though we didn't get through all of the lesson plans and I only remembered to check their homework folders once, at least there was no blood or broken bones. Then Friday comes around. Just when I thought I was going to make it through the week, a bloody-mouthed child walked up to me near to tears. He had slipped in the bathroom and hit his already loose front tooth. His mouth was bloody and his eyes were teary. Fortunately, we were in mid-transition and all the other students were on their way out the door to other classrooms. I was able to walk him up to the capable and experienced hands of the angels in the front office.
In all other ways, my first week as a teacher was a complete success. Every day got better and better. The students are still testing the waters to see what they can get past the young, new teacher, but all-in-all we are all making the best of the transition. One dad said to another teacher, " I heard my kid's new teacher is hot, where is she?" =) I guess I'm in with the parents already!
I told Ryan that it was part of his husbandly duties to help his wife set up her very first classroom. I explained that it was part of the contract and it was signed, sealed and delivered when he said, "I do" and kissed my face. Unfortunately, he was incredibly sick that weekend and could barely bring himself out of bed. He was so sick, in fact, that he took his first sick day in about 3 years. I excused him from his duties and took the rain check for the weekend before my second week of school. Just as good I suppose. I promise to take pictures and share my new classroom once it is truly set up.
I must say that being a teacher is incredibly rewarding and apparently incredibly exhausting. I have been going to bed anywhere between 7:30 and 9:30 every night. Last night I had to work my second job and I could barely stay on my feet until closing. My very kind boss has offered to allow me to stay active on payroll by scheduling me one day per pay period. I only have to work 2 nights a month, get to keep my discount and have a back-up plan in case I don't get picked up right away for the following school year. She literally said the words, "We'd do anything to keep you. Any one of the other managers would hate to see you go." I was completely flattered and my job satisfaction climbed to new heights.
Things are working out better than I ever imagined. I am truly blessed and thankful.
In order to get officially certified as a teacher, I had to forge past a couple of small mountains. It seems that not changing my name officially and having graduated too recently was causing problems. I have been praying for nothing but strength and patience. A moment before losing hope and patience, I realized something. I was wearing the same shirt on the day I observed years ago that I wore at my interview and was offered the position. This was completely unintentional, but it taught me something very deep inside. Aside from the fact that I obviously don't update my wardrobe very often, I realized that my prayers had come full circle. God had shown me that I truly was meant for this position and that I only needed to follow the path He laid out for me. So what if my transcripts didn't come through right away or that my name change slowed the process considerably? Who cares that I had to get hired as a sub for a day before I could be hired as an official teacher? Did it make a difference at all that I wanted these things to happen faster? In the end, God knew it would work out and He knew that I would need to learn patience and perseverance in order to become a truly good teacher.
Monday of this past week was my first day of school as a second grade teacher. It took everything I had to make it through this week! The first 4 days, I counted my blessings that even though we didn't get through all of the lesson plans and I only remembered to check their homework folders once, at least there was no blood or broken bones. Then Friday comes around. Just when I thought I was going to make it through the week, a bloody-mouthed child walked up to me near to tears. He had slipped in the bathroom and hit his already loose front tooth. His mouth was bloody and his eyes were teary. Fortunately, we were in mid-transition and all the other students were on their way out the door to other classrooms. I was able to walk him up to the capable and experienced hands of the angels in the front office.
In all other ways, my first week as a teacher was a complete success. Every day got better and better. The students are still testing the waters to see what they can get past the young, new teacher, but all-in-all we are all making the best of the transition. One dad said to another teacher, " I heard my kid's new teacher is hot, where is she?" =) I guess I'm in with the parents already!
I told Ryan that it was part of his husbandly duties to help his wife set up her very first classroom. I explained that it was part of the contract and it was signed, sealed and delivered when he said, "I do" and kissed my face. Unfortunately, he was incredibly sick that weekend and could barely bring himself out of bed. He was so sick, in fact, that he took his first sick day in about 3 years. I excused him from his duties and took the rain check for the weekend before my second week of school. Just as good I suppose. I promise to take pictures and share my new classroom once it is truly set up.
I must say that being a teacher is incredibly rewarding and apparently incredibly exhausting. I have been going to bed anywhere between 7:30 and 9:30 every night. Last night I had to work my second job and I could barely stay on my feet until closing. My very kind boss has offered to allow me to stay active on payroll by scheduling me one day per pay period. I only have to work 2 nights a month, get to keep my discount and have a back-up plan in case I don't get picked up right away for the following school year. She literally said the words, "We'd do anything to keep you. Any one of the other managers would hate to see you go." I was completely flattered and my job satisfaction climbed to new heights.
Things are working out better than I ever imagined. I am truly blessed and thankful.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Oh baby!
Subbing in kindergarten is like a box of chocolates - you never know what you're going to get. I've had experiences in Kindergarten that have made me want to leave the teaching profession altogether and never look back. But then there are days like today when I have the sweetest, cutest bunch of kids that leave me not only wanting my own classroom, but also wanting to have my own little babies!
For now, I will settle for a classroom of my own. The Lord may be answering my prayers after the holidays, though. I found out on Monday that a teacher at my school may be moving away. The first person she thought of to replace her in her classroom was ME! It is still on the down-low that she is leaving, so they are not interviewing or posting the job, but the assistant principal has been making arrangements to observe me in a classroom when I am subbing. Some of the other people on the hiring committee have made it known that they fully support me and my abilities as a teacher. I am so excited at the opportunity and the support! My mom and sister are already putting in their prayers for me and I am fervently praying myself!
For now, I will settle for a classroom of my own. The Lord may be answering my prayers after the holidays, though. I found out on Monday that a teacher at my school may be moving away. The first person she thought of to replace her in her classroom was ME! It is still on the down-low that she is leaving, so they are not interviewing or posting the job, but the assistant principal has been making arrangements to observe me in a classroom when I am subbing. Some of the other people on the hiring committee have made it known that they fully support me and my abilities as a teacher. I am so excited at the opportunity and the support! My mom and sister are already putting in their prayers for me and I am fervently praying myself!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
New look...
It was apparently time for a new look. I finally had a minute to explore the blog design options. The controls have changed quite a bit since the last time I changed the look, much easier to use.
So it seems wasting time has not been my strong point. While I have been watching Sex and the City, it is more of a background thing while I work on other things. When Ryan and I were first discussing how much I should work each job to make a reasonable amount of money without breaking my back, I figured at least 5 sub days a month (you never can tell when you'll be needed as a sub) and then 20-25 hours a week at Target. As soon as I spread the word that I was subbing, I got about 5 jobs in the first hour. Now, teachers search for me in the various classrooms and schedule sub-days here, there and everywhere! I am so blessed to get so many jobs that I don't have to worry about how many hours Target schedules me. My sub calendar for the month was full by December 7 and I am still getting random phone calls from other schools and teachers! I have reserved 1 day a week to spend time in my internship classroom because I loved those kids and my cooperating teacher so much.
Being in different classrooms everyday hasn't been easy. The morning starts off with establishing myself with 15-20 students as a credible teacher worth listening to for a minute or two. Then we spend the day trying to get through the lessons and deciding when the kids are telling me the truth about what Ms. or Mr. Normal Teacher "usually does". I am, however, really enjoying getting to learn how each teacher sets up his or her classroom. I have learned so many tiny little things that make the classroom run smoothly and keeps it organized. Also, I am getting tons of experience teaching the new (nearly impossible) math standards that everyone is having trouble with teaching. It is very difficult to pick up the math lesson for the day and try to teach it to the kids. Most of the time, I am clueless as to how much of the previous lessons that the students understood. I just have to pray that they understood enough to make it through the next lesson that I have to teach. I'm glad that I am getting to go to different grade levels because the more exposure to the new math, the better prepared I'll be when I have my own math lessons to teach!
As far as the apartment looks, you wouldn't be able to tell that I have had much time off. Technically, I haven't since I've been subbing during the day and working target some nights and every weekend. The dishes have been caught up and the laundry is less of a mountain and more of a normal looking pile. There is still work to be done, so off I go!
So it seems wasting time has not been my strong point. While I have been watching Sex and the City, it is more of a background thing while I work on other things. When Ryan and I were first discussing how much I should work each job to make a reasonable amount of money without breaking my back, I figured at least 5 sub days a month (you never can tell when you'll be needed as a sub) and then 20-25 hours a week at Target. As soon as I spread the word that I was subbing, I got about 5 jobs in the first hour. Now, teachers search for me in the various classrooms and schedule sub-days here, there and everywhere! I am so blessed to get so many jobs that I don't have to worry about how many hours Target schedules me. My sub calendar for the month was full by December 7 and I am still getting random phone calls from other schools and teachers! I have reserved 1 day a week to spend time in my internship classroom because I loved those kids and my cooperating teacher so much.
Being in different classrooms everyday hasn't been easy. The morning starts off with establishing myself with 15-20 students as a credible teacher worth listening to for a minute or two. Then we spend the day trying to get through the lessons and deciding when the kids are telling me the truth about what Ms. or Mr. Normal Teacher "usually does". I am, however, really enjoying getting to learn how each teacher sets up his or her classroom. I have learned so many tiny little things that make the classroom run smoothly and keeps it organized. Also, I am getting tons of experience teaching the new (nearly impossible) math standards that everyone is having trouble with teaching. It is very difficult to pick up the math lesson for the day and try to teach it to the kids. Most of the time, I am clueless as to how much of the previous lessons that the students understood. I just have to pray that they understood enough to make it through the next lesson that I have to teach. I'm glad that I am getting to go to different grade levels because the more exposure to the new math, the better prepared I'll be when I have my own math lessons to teach!
As far as the apartment looks, you wouldn't be able to tell that I have had much time off. Technically, I haven't since I've been subbing during the day and working target some nights and every weekend. The dishes have been caught up and the laundry is less of a mountain and more of a normal looking pile. There is still work to be done, so off I go!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Wastin' Time Day 3
I never knew just how much time I could waste, until I had time to waste it! I turned in the last of my assignments on Wednesday, the first day of the month and the first night of official free time!
While I will not feel completely and totally unstressed until I get my actual grades and degree, I am feeling like a 3 story brick building has been taken off my shoulders. Just in time for full-blown Christmas relaxing. Well, that's not entirely true. As soon as I finished my internship and classes, I immediately picked up as many sub-jobs as possible and increased my availability at target by 300%. Even so, there is no greater feeling than coming home from my job(s) completely free to do anything.
Lately, Ryan has been asking me, "What have you been up to?" periodically throughout the day. I find it hard to answer that question. Hours pass and I have no idea what I have done. I'll probably start feeling guilty about not getting anything accomplished eventually, but as of now, I am enjoying the lazy-time that I have earned.
By day 3, I have wrapped up Christmas presents, washed a few dishes and hung a few clothes. I have started checking off items from me "Freedom List". This includes re-watching all of the seasons of Sex & the City - I'll round-off that item by watching both movies. Also on the list - read a magazine cover to cover. I've got issues from August that haven't even been touched! There are about 6 books on the list that I have been dying to read. I've found several art and sewing projects that I would love to try, too.
I figure by day 5 I will be ready to whole-heartedly tackle the things that actually need doing such as the laundry or the dishes or or changing my last name or calling my mom (just kidding, I did that on Day 1 - moms are important!)
In the meantime - pictures!
Our first Thanksgiving dinner as husband and wife: meatballs, ham, broccoli casserole and steamed green beans.

Homemade pumpkin pie for dessert:
After the meal, we put up the tree!
Cheesy picture! Hanging our first ornament together

All decorated:
While I will not feel completely and totally unstressed until I get my actual grades and degree, I am feeling like a 3 story brick building has been taken off my shoulders. Just in time for full-blown Christmas relaxing. Well, that's not entirely true. As soon as I finished my internship and classes, I immediately picked up as many sub-jobs as possible and increased my availability at target by 300%. Even so, there is no greater feeling than coming home from my job(s) completely free to do anything.
Lately, Ryan has been asking me, "What have you been up to?" periodically throughout the day. I find it hard to answer that question. Hours pass and I have no idea what I have done. I'll probably start feeling guilty about not getting anything accomplished eventually, but as of now, I am enjoying the lazy-time that I have earned.
By day 3, I have wrapped up Christmas presents, washed a few dishes and hung a few clothes. I have started checking off items from me "Freedom List". This includes re-watching all of the seasons of Sex & the City - I'll round-off that item by watching both movies. Also on the list - read a magazine cover to cover. I've got issues from August that haven't even been touched! There are about 6 books on the list that I have been dying to read. I've found several art and sewing projects that I would love to try, too.
I figure by day 5 I will be ready to whole-heartedly tackle the things that actually need doing such as the laundry or the dishes or or changing my last name or calling my mom (just kidding, I did that on Day 1 - moms are important!)
In the meantime - pictures!
Our first Thanksgiving dinner as husband and wife: meatballs, ham, broccoli casserole and steamed green beans.
Homemade pumpkin pie for dessert:
After the meal, we put up the tree!
All decorated:
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Masters Degree - Elementary Education Comprehensive Exams
3 weeks.
3 questions.
3 research papers.
3 weeks starting 2 days after Ryan and I got married.
3 questions related to the Accomplished Practices of Professional Teachers.
3 in-depth research papers which must be in perfect APA style and use peer-reviewed articles from within the last 10 years.
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